Swanton Fit & Healthy Recreation Path
Dedicated to Richard “Dick” Thompson
The Town of Swanton has a recreation path for use by pedestrians and non-motorized vehicles that connects with the Lamoille Valley Rail Trail (LVRT). The LVRT also intersects with the Missisquoi Valley Rail Trail (MVRT), providing Swanton with access to miles of hiking and biking on scenic trails.
Hours of operation: 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
Emergencies: Dial 911
- NO MOTORIZED VEHICLES - except wheelchairs
- All dogs must be on a leash
- No horses
- Please pick-up after your dogs
- Please do not litter
- Stay on path - Respect private land & owners
- No alcohol or tobacco use
To report violations or provide comments, call 802-868-4421.
Contributors & Donors
This path was funded by a grant from the Vermont Department of Health Fit and Healthy Vermonters with help from:
- Andy Leduc Construction
- Ben & Jerry's Homemade, Inc.
- Garrett's Vegetables
- Hamlen's Garder Center
- Lamothe Excavation
- R. John Martell Construction
- Missisquoi Valley Union High School
- Northwestern Medical Center
- Swanton School
- Swanton Fit & Healthy Committee
- Swanton Historical Society
- Shelburne Limestone Corporation
- Swanton Recreation Commission
- Swanton Teen Center
- Town of Swanton
- Vermont Agency of Transportation
- Swanton Village, Inc.

LVRT Trailhead Conceptual Drawing
Please view Swanton’s LVRT Trailhead Conceptual Drawing, Final plans expected early 2024
These plans can be viewed by the public in the Town Offices.