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BCA Hearing 7-23-24

  • Tuesday, July 23, 2024
    5:30 PM – 6 PM

Board of Civil Authority


2024 BCA Hearing Minutes 434 KB


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2024 BCA Hearing Minutes 434 KB

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One Academy Street

Swanton, Vermont 05488

THURSDAY, JULY 23, 2024, at 5:30 P.M.

Present: Brian Savage-Chair, Tamar Bouchard, Randy Brock, Nicholas Brosseau, Ed Daniel, Stephanie Gagne, Steven Pike, Jeffery Raleigh, Neal Speer, Matthew Walker, Suzanne Washburn, Alan Shannon

Betty Cheney-Delinquent Tax Collector, Cathy Fournier-Town Clerk, Christina Candels-Administrative Assistant, Amy Giroux-Lister, Jim Pratt-Consulting Assessor, Kathy Benoit-Notch

Zoom: Amanda Combs-Notch

  1. Call to Order

Chair Brian Savage called the hearing to order at 5:31 pm.

Chair Brian Savage had all members present introduce themselves.

Chair Brian Savage asked all members if they had any conflicts of interest or ex-par-tay communications to please say so.

Suzzanne Washburn requested to recluse herself from appellant #2 because she was once in a similar situation and was not given and tax relief.

Nicholas Brosseau stated he is a patient of the Notch, that was not deemed a conflict.

Chair Brian Savage swore in all members of the public that is going to give testimony.

  1. Grievance/Tax Appeal(s):


  1. NOTCH

Kathy Benoit, the CEO of Notch said they are appealing due to the believe they should be Tax Exempt not the value of the property.

Chair Brian Savage said the BCA holds assessment appeals concerning the value, they do not have the jurisdiction or authority to render a matter of tax exemption. That is more a matter of law that no one on this board is qualified to do that.

Based on that they will need to decline this appeal and refer them to the State Court.

Kathy Benoit said she scene some verbiage to those states if there is a exemption that exists under state statue that would be following the statute. This is just the process they need to follow.

Chair Brian Savage said this is the same way they have ruled previously.                          

  1. LUNEAU, Matthew                                                                   


Ed Daniel made a motion to decline due to the appellant not attending, seconded by Stephanie Gagne. Motion carried. Suzzane Washburn reclused herself.

If there not attending is due to a accident/emergency the board will schedule another hearing.

  1. Any other necessary business         

Motion by the Board of Civil authority to allow early deposit of voter absentee ballots          in Town Voting tabulators for all Elections effective September 2024     

Ed Daniel made a motion to approve, seconded by Stephanie Gagne. Motion carried.

Steven Pike asked for the process to be explained. Cathy Fournier explained they can before voting day after the machines are tested run through absentee ballots. They will have two BCA members present to do this. Cathy Fournier said the new machines are slower and this will make it smoother. This will also eliminate the need to open ballots during the day, causing questions/concerns. They will have a BCA member present from each party. Any member of the public may be present if they choose. Matthew Walker asked how members of the public could be present? Cathy Fournier said they can come to the office. Jeffery Raleigh asked how long and how much time there is between when ballots are aloud to be sent in and voting day? Cathy Fournier said absentee ballots are mailed upon request or if they request to be sent a ballot for every election that year. Nicholas Brosseau asked if members of the public can watch election day counting? Yes. Suzzane Washburn asked if the State is mailing out ballots to people or just the Town? Just the Town.

Betty Cheney, Collector of Delinquent Taxes        Abatement of Uncollectable Taxes    


YY0040-0000 Travis Johnson     2023 $175.47

YY0106-0000 Ashley Cushing    2023 $61.22

YY0134-0000 Timothy Marshall 2022 $79.76

2023 $83.65

YY0181-0000 Dawn Stough        2022 $121.04

2023 $130.58

YY0295-0000 Patrich Rogers      2023 $118.34

YY0300-0000 Eugene Quintin Jr 2022 $110.90

                                                      2023 $116.30

YY0464-0000 Chyanne Francis   2023 $108.15

Betty Cheney said these are all travel trailers at Lakewood Campground. She has spoken with Colette, and they have either been removed from the campground or destroyed.

Steven Pike made a motion to approve the abatement in the amount of $1,105.41, seconded by Nicholas Brosseau. Motion carried.

  1. Adjourn meeting

Steven Pike made a motion to adjourn at 6:01 pm, seconded by Jeffery Raleigh. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by

Christina Candels-Administrative Assistant

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BCA Agenda 2024 402 KB

Web version




One Academy Street

Swanton, Vermont 05488

THURSDAY, JULY 23, 2024 at 5:30 P.M.

  1. Call to Order
  1. Pledge of Allegiance
  1. Grievance/Tax Appeal(s):

APPELLANT(S)                                APPOINTED TIME               DATE

NOTCH                                             5:35 p.m.                                July 23, 2024

LUNEAU, Matthew                          5:50 p.m.                                July, 23,2024


  1. Any other necessary business

Betty Cheney, Collector of Delinquent Taxes        Abatement of Uncollectable Taxes

Motion by the Board of Civil authority to allow early deposit of voter absentee ballots          in Town Voting tabulators for all Elections effective September 2024     


5.     Deliberative Session (if needed)

6.     Adjourn meeting