DRB Meeting 2-27-25
February 27, 2025
6PM – 7 PM
Approved on: Thursday, March 27, 2025
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One Academy Street
Swanton, VT 05488
In Person & By ZOOM
Thursday, February 27, 2025@ 6:00 p.m.
Present: Spencer LaBarge-Chair, Reg Beliveau Jr, Harold Garrett, Jennifer Yandow, Jim Pratt, Christina Candels-Assistant Town Administrator, Christian Jablonski, Raymond Fournier
Zoom: No Attendance
- Call to Order
Mr. LaBarge called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.
- Agenda Review
Mr. LaBarge reviewed the agenda, read the definition of interested persons, swore in applicants, board members and the members of the public.
- Meeting Topics:
- DRB-40-2024 Arthur Boulerice
- DRB-03-2025 Raymond Fournier
- #DRB-40-2024: Arthur Boulerice request for final plat approval for a 2-lot subdivision located at 410 County Rd. in the R1/Agricultural Residential district.
Mr. Jablonski came before the board for final approval, with no changes since the last meeting. The board had no new questions.
- #DRB-03-2025: Raymond Fournier request for preliminary plat approval for a 2-lot subdivision located at 84 Campbell Bay Rd. in the SR/Shoreland district.
Mr. Fournier came before the board to explain the plans for his 2-lot subdivision of a 10-acre lot.
Mr. Beliveau asked how the lot would be accessed without road frontage? Mr. Fournier said it will be given back to his brother who owns the land surrounding it. The land is currently used for agricultural purposes.
Mr. Pratt said before it goes any further, he would recommend it be a subdivision with a lot line adjustment, as the lot has no right-of-way access.
Mr. Pratt asked where the back up septic is, it is not listed on the mylar? Mr. Fournier said that it should already be recorded. The engineer needs to add it to the mylar.
- Minutes DRB January 23, 2025
Ms. Yandow made a motion to approve January 23, 2025, DRB Meeting minutes as written, seconded by Mr. Pratt. Motion carried.
- Any Other Necessary Business
- Public Comment
- Set Next DRB Meeting Date
March 6, 2025, 5:30pm joint meeting with Planning Commission Town Office & Zoom
March 27, 2025, 6:00 pm Town Office & Zoom
April 24, 2025, 6:00 pm Town Office & Zoom
May 22, 2025, 6:00 pm Town Office & Zoom
- Deliberative Session
Mr. Pratt made a motion to enter into deliberative session at 6:21 pm, seconded by Mr. Garrett. Motion carried.
Mr. Pratt made a motion to exit deliberative session at 6:35 pm, seconded by Mr. Beliveau. Motion carried.
Actions Taken:
- Mr. Beliveau made a motion for DRB-40-2024: Arthur Boulerice request for final plat approval for a 2-lot subdivision located at 410 County Rd. in the R1/Agricultural Residential district be APPROVED as warned, seconded by Mr. Pratt. Motion carried.
- Ms. Yandow made a motion for DRB-03-2025: Raymond Fournier request for preliminary plat approval for a 2-lot subdivision located at 84 Campbell Bay Rd. in the SR/Shoreland district be CONTINUED with the following changes:
*Change from 2-lot subdivision to a 2-lot subdivision with a lot line adjustment.
*Show backup septic system on the mylar.
seconded by Mr. Garrett. Motion carried.
- Adjournment
Mr. Pratt made a motion to adjourn at 6:36 pm, seconded by Ms. Yandow. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted by
Christina Candels-Assistant Town Administrator
Printable version
Web version
One Academy Street
Swanton, VT 05488
In Person & By ZOOM
Thursday, February 27, 2025@ 6:00 p.m.
ZOOM Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/3532034083?pwd=4KPJGahm9WvBymkaeBWhjbk7Y3oPel.1
Anyone desiring to participate & listen in on the meeting by cell or landline phone should dial 1-929-205-6099 and enter the Meeting ID# 353 203 4083
- Call to Order
- Agenda Review
- Meeting Topics:
- #DRB-40-2024: Arthur Boulerice request for final plat approval for a 2-lot subdivision located at 410 County Rd. in the R1/Agricultural Residential district.
- #DRB-03-2025: Raymond Fournier request for preliminary plat approval for a 2-lot subdivision located at 84 Campbell Bay Rd. in the SR/Shoreland district.
- Minutes DRB January 23, 2025
- Any Other Necessary Business
- Public Comment
- Set Next DRB Meeting Date
- Deliberative Session
- Adjournment
PLEASE NOTE: Attendance at and participation in a public hearing for these cases are required in order to appeal the DRB’s decision. All
applicants or Agents must attend to present their applications for review.