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DRB Meeting 5-23-24

  • Thursday, May 23, 2024
    PM – 7 PM

Development Review Board


2024 0523 DRB Draft Minutes 586 KB

Approved on: Thursday, June 27, 2024

Printable version

2024 0523 DRB Draft Minutes 586 KB

Web version





One Academy Street

Swanton, VT 05488

Thursday, April 25, 2024 @ 6:00 p.m.

Present: Spencer LaBarge-Chair, Jim Pratt, Jennifer Yandow, Reg Beliveau Jr., Harold Garrett-Members, Amy Giroux-Zoning - Administrator, Christina Candels - Administrative Assistant, Christian Jablonski, Rick Leduc, David Howrigan, Peggy Howrigan, Richard Cummings, Cathy Montagne, Kathy Kneebone, Bob Kneebone, Rob Raine, Brenda Raine, Erin LaRocque, Angela Trahan, Peter Mazurak, Louise Brosseau

  1. Call to Order

Mr. LaBarge called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.

  1. Agenda Review

Mr. LaBarge reviewed the agenda, read the definition of interested persons and swore in the applicants, interested persons and board members.

  1. Meeting Topics:

DRB-14-2024 Eric Leduc

DRB-15-2024 Mark & Amanda St. Pierre

DRB-16-2024 Rob & Brenda Raine

DRB-49-2023 David & Peggy Howrigan

DRB-17-2024 David & Cathy Montagne

DRB-18-2024 Robert Kneebone

DRB-19-2024 Richard Cummings

DRB-20-2024 Richard Commings

  1. #DRB-14-2024: Eric Leduc request forboundary line adjustment approval located at 2 Evelyn Lane in the R5/Residential district.

Mr. Leduc came before the board to explain he currently owns two parcels and would like to make it one half acre lot.  

  1. #DRB-15-2024: Mark & Amanda St. Pierre request for sketch plan approval for a 2-lot subdivision located at 2596 Highgate Road in the SG/Southern Growth District.

Mr. Jablonski came before the board as representatives for Mr. & Ms. St. Pierre. Mr. Jablonski said the St. Pierre’s would like to do a 2-lot subdivision creating a 1/3-acre lot. Subdividing the home on the property from the agriculture land/Southern Growth district. The current home has a proposed easement for water and a replacement mound has been sent to the State of Vermont for permitting. VTrans permit has also been sent to the State of Vermont. They are showing a proposed easement for the driveway that services the agriculture building. They currently have 3 curb cuts and VTrans has requested they eliminate one.

Mr. LaBarge asked about the water easement. Mr. Jablonski said the water well and wastewater are currently in place and the easement is there in case in the future they need them.

Ms. Brosseau asked what the land around her is? Agriculture? Residential? Mr. Garrett states the property is in the Southern Growth District. Ms. Brosseau asked what can be done around her property. Mr. LaBarge said the land use books state what can be done in the Southern Growth District under permitted or conditional use. Mr. LaBarge said encouraged her to reach out to the Planning Commission & Ms. Giroux to understand the district better.

  1. #DRB-16-2024: Rob & Brenda Raine request for conditional use less 30% approval for the front setback to build a porch located at 28 Canada Street in the R5/Residential district.

Mr. Raine came before the board to explain their current concrete steps are deteriorating and would like to build a new deck over them. By doing this the stairs will be 4’ closer to the road.

  1. #DRB-49-2023:David & Peggy Howrigan request for preliminary plat approval for an 8-lot subdivision located at 2087 Sheldon Road in the R1/Agricultural Residential district.

Mr. & Ms. Howrigan & Mr. Mazurek came before the board to show the updated plans that include the board’s request from their last presentation. Mr. Mazurek said they took the boards request and made the lot’s 1-acre. By doing this it put the lots deeper into the property. There is an easement for septic systems. Mr. Mazurek showed they have a cul-de-sac at the end of the development and continue the 50’ right-of-way to access the land in the future or to access the Rail Trail.

Mr. Pratt asked Mr. Mazurek if they could number the lots even on the right and odd on the left side. This will help with E-911.

Ms. Yandow asked if the wetlands had been delineated?? Yes, since the last meeting have had a delineator come out.

Mr. Mazurek asked if they could make this the final? Mr. LaBarge said no the way the state sets this up they must come 3 times. Ms. Giroux will put them on the May agenda for final approval.

  1. #DRB-17-2024: David & Cathy Montagne request for sketch plan approval for a 2-lot subdivision located at 2623 Highgate Road in the SG/Southern Growth district.

Ms. Montagne & Mr. Mazurek came before the board to present the sketch presenting the 2-lot subdivision.

Ms. Brosseau asked if this was the same subdivision they proposed before? No this is a new subdivision. Ms. Brosseau would like to know what this subdivision is for. This subdivision is behind the existing construction of the new state garage. Ms. Yandow showed Ms. Brosseau this property will have road frontage on the Sholan Rd not Highgate Rd.

Mr. Cummings asked if this is the Southern Growth District the Town would like to build commercial in this area, he suggested if convenient to relocate the frontage or roads to access the back of the property for development. Mr. LaBarge said this landowner has thought this through as he does for his developments. The board is here to follow the rules in front of them. Mr. LaBarge told Mr. Cummings the Planning Commission is the board to talk to about his concerns.

Mr. Pratt said he agrees with Mr. Cummings, Mr. Pratt feels this property will be non-taxable should it be more convenient to access. Mr. Garrett said if the landowner is getting the right amount to sell the land, they have the right to subdivide it off as they choose. The board is not here to dictate how they do that.

Ms. Yandow agreed but Mr. Cummings has a valid point, the road frontage becomes Sholan Rd, the only remaining road frontage to use they will need another road.

Mr. LaBarge said that is not what’s in front of them.

Mr. Beliveau agreed they need to look at what’s in front of them. Mr. Garrett said that property has been for sale for 15-20 years and now they have sold two lots they should be commended for that property.

  1. #DRB-18-2024: Robert Kneebone request for conditional use less 30% approval for the front setback to build a porch located at 61 Gauthier Drive in the R3/Moderate Residential district.

Mr.& Ms. Kneebone came before the board, they would like to build a wider porch. The new porch will not go past the existing house. The wind took down one of the pine trees and they took down the other tree.

  1. #DRB-19-2024: Richard Cummings request for boundary line adjustment located at 1 Stanley Lane in the SG/Southern Growth district.
  2. #DRB-20-2024: Richard Cummings request for sketch plan approval for a 3-lot subdivision located at 1 Stanley Lane in the SG/Southern Growth district.

Mr. Cummings came before the board to present both application together. Mr. Cummings said the boundary lot adjustment is for the 2-lots subdivided in the early 2000’s listed as lot 3 & lot 4. Mr. Cummings said to start the new development he needs to change the lot sizes so he can put lots on both sides. When the church was built the Town was adamant, they did not want any additional curb cuts for this development, so they will access these lots from the road the church currently uses.

Mr. Cummings said the lots are small because they are working to attach to the water the State of Vermont is bringing in. The first few lots they will do with wells and septic systems.

Mr. Pratt said this is getting the Southern Growth District started.

  1. Minutes DRB March 28, 2024

Mr. Beliveau made a motion to approve March 28, 2024, draft minutes as written, seconded by Ms. Yandow. Motion carried.

  1. Any Other Necessary Business


  1. Public Comment


  1. Set Next DRB Meeting

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Thursday, October 24, 2024

  1. Deliberative Session

Mr. Garret made a motion to enter deliberative session at 6:46 pm, seconded by Mr. Pratt. Motion carried.

Ms. Yandow made a motion to exit deliberative session at 7:01 pm, seconded by Mr. Pratt. Motion carried.

  1. Mr. Beliveau made a motion to APPROVE DRB-14-2024: Eric Leduc request for boundary line adjustment approval located at 2 Evelyn Lane in the R5/Residential district as warned, seconded by Mr. Pratt. Motion carried.
  1. Mr. Garrett made a motion to APPROVE DRB-15-2024: Mark & Amanda St. Pierre request for sketch plan approval for a 2-lot subdivision located at 2596 Highgate Road in the SG/Southern Growth District as warned, seconded by Ms. Yandow. Motion carried.
  1. Mr. LaBarge made a motion to APPROVE DRB-16-2024: Rob & Brenda Raine request for conditional use less 30% approval for the front setback to build a porch located at 28 Canada Street in the R5/Residential district as warned, seconded by Mr. Pratt. Motion carried.
  1. Mr. Pratt made a motion to APPRVOE DRB-49-2023: David & Peggy Howrigan request for preliminary plat approval for an 8-lot subdivision located at 2087 Sheldon Road in the R1/Agricultural Residential district to change the lot numbers even on right odds on the left as warned, seconded by Mr. Beliveau. Motion carried.
  1. Ms. Yandow made a motion to APPROVE DRB-17-2024: David & Cathy Montagne request for sketch plan approval for a 2-lot subdivision located at 2623 Highgate Road in the SG/Southern Growth district as warned, seconded by Mr. Garrett. Motion carried.
  1. Mr. Beliveau made a motion to APPROVE DRB-18-2024: Robert Kneebone request for conditional use less 30% approval for the front setback to build a porch located at 61 Gauthier Drive in the R3/Moderate Residential district as warned, seconded by Mr. Pratt. Motion carried.
  1. Mr. Garrett made a motion to APPROVE DRB-19-2024: Richard Cummings request for boundary line adjustment located at 1 Stanley Lane in the SG/Southern Growth district as warned, seconded by Mr. Beliveau. Motion carried.
  1. Mr. Garrett made a motion to APPROVE DRB-20-2024: Richard Cummings request for sketch plan approval for a 3-lot subdivision located at 1 Stanley Lane in the SG/Southern Growth district as warned, seconded by Mr. Pratt. Motion carried.
  1. Adjournment

Ms. Yandow made a motion to adjourn at 7:05 pm, seconded by Mr. Beliveau. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by,

Christina Candels-Administrative Assistant

Printable version

2024 05 23 DRB Public Notice 350 KB

Web version





One Academy Street

Swanton, VT 05488

Thursday, May 23, 2024 @ 6:00 p.m.

A. Call to Order

B. Agenda Review

C. Meeting Topics:

  1. #DRB-15-2024: Mark & Amanda St. Pierre request for final plat approval for a 2-lot subdivision located at 2596 Highgate Road in the SG/Southern Growth District.
  1. #DRB-49-2023: David & Peggy Howrigan request for final plat approval for an 8-lot subdivision located at 2087 Sheldon Road in the R1/Agricultural Residential district.
  1. #DRB-17-2024: David & Cathy Montagne request for final plat approval for a 2-lot subdivision located at 2623 Highgate Road in the SG/Southern Growth district.
  1. #DRB-20-2024: Richard Cummings request for final plat approval for a 3-lot subdivision located at 1 Stanley Lane in the SG/Southern Growth district.
  1. #DRB-21-2024: Randy Livingston appeal of permit number ZP-19-2024 issued by the Zoning Administrator on April 1, 2024 for property located at 60 County Road in the R1/Agricultural Residential district.

D. Minutes DRB April 25, 2024

E. Set next DRB meeting date

F. Deliberative Session

G. Any Other Necessary Business

H. Public Comment

I. Adjournment

PLEASE NOTE: Attendance at and participation in a public hearing for these cases are required in order to appeal the DRB’s decision. All

applicants or Agents must attend to present their applications for review.