Planning Commission Meeting 1-28-25
January 28, 2025
11AM – noon
Approved on: Thursday, February 20, 2025
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Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Town Office Building & ZOOM
1 Academy Street, Swanton, VT
11:00 am
Present: Ross Lavoie-Chair, Oliver Manning, Heather Buczkowski, Andy LaRocque, Jim Pratt-Members, Christina Candels-Assistant Town Administrator
Zoom: No Attendance
- Call to Order
Mr. Lavoie called the meeting to order at 11:16 am.
- Agenda Review
Mr. Lavoie reviewed the agenda with no changes.
- Review and Approve Minutes
- January 6, 2025
Mr. Pratt made a motion to approve the Planning Commission January 6, 2025, meeting minutes as written, seconded by Mr. Manning. Motion carried.
- January 22, 2025
Mr. Pratt made a motion to approve the Planning Commission, Selectboard & Village Trustee’s January 22, 2025, Joint meeting minutes as written, seconded by Mr. Manning. Motion carried.
Mr. Manning asked during the meeting, what was the Habitat for Humanity representative requesting? Mr. Lavoie said that he has spoken with him, and it is regarding 6 South River St. and will discuss during Land Use.
- Land Use & Development Regulations Review
The Planning Commission reviewed written comments submitted from Joel Clark (Selectboard), Jim Pratt and Heidi Britch-Valenta (Swanton Village) noted items are listed below. Mr. Lavoie did make two calls to Joel Clark for clarification.
- Habitat for Humanity questioned whether water allocations could be requested and held past an allotted amount of time and not used. That is a question for the Village.
Habitat for Humanity also requested multi-family dwelling be plural for the property located at 6 South River St. be permitted. The board did not change to multi-family dwelling(s) as this time. Currently this would require conditional use approval.
- Discussion on TSA removal as a district including in CB. The difference is TSA does not allow residential housing, CB does. The board wants more information on this request. Mr. Clark suggested reaching out to NWRP to see if the brownsfield requirements are different for residential districts.
- (RC) district on French Hill will be eliminated and added to (R1) and/or both districts will have the same requirements is (RC) stays. The front setbacks will stay at 50’ to keep structures back from the road. Side setbacks will change. Lot coverage will go to 20%. Review with Mr. Parent.
- Have Mr. Parent, add the Shoreland Protection Act in the bylaw’s in the Shoreline District added to definitions.
- Septic requirements for transitioning seasonal to year-round occupancy. This will be discussed at the next Planning Commission meeting after discussion with the Zoning Administrator.
- The Town does not currently regulate Art walls. This is something Ms. Buczkowski will research and bring back to the Planning Commission how it is handled in other Towns. Mr. Parent can then add it to Swanton bylaws & definitions. Permitted or not permitted, sizes limitations.
- Road designs & Road construction requirements were discussed extensively.
The board agreed one new change would be no building permits would be issued in new developments until the roads are approved to the Town’s standard.
This will be listed as a standard A-76 for roads with engineer approval. A road is three or more lots according to E-911. The road requirement will be when the development is completed 2/3. If developers plan for the Town to consider taking over the road, roads must be built according to the Town’s Road Takeover Policy.
Driveways will be required to be B-71A standard for two lots/homes.
A driveway over 500’ must have a pull off or wide enough for fire trucks to pass. This is for emergency purposes.
The road commissioner or road foreman can review and sign off on these driveways.
- Any lots serving three or more that is a road if it is private needs an HOA.
- Road signs, the first sign is provided by the Town. If the sign is damaged or lost HOA’s will have 60 days to replace. The Town does not add private to signs, if that is requested the developer provide the sign.
- Require proposed driveways to be added to mylars when brought to the DRB.
- Add definition for right-of-way. Have Mr. Parent review and add.
Mr. Pratt expressed the importance of road frontage and lot sizes do not include any rights-of-way for road, crosswalk, railroad, electric transmission lines, oil or gas pipeline, water line, sanitary storm sewer or any other similar uses.
Mr. Pratt wants this because there are lots in previous developments that have a large portion of their lots not useable because of utilities.
Mr. Lavoie suggested it be listed as commercial, interstate commerce, railroad right-of-way or square footage not be included in subdivision lot size.
They can go through the lot’s but not be taken into consideration in the lot size.
Mr. Lavoie said also they could include requiring a setback from a right-of-way like a road requires.
Have Mr. Parent review and add.
- Expand the definition for agriculture in definitions.
- Set next Planning Commission Meeting date
To be set at a later time. Mr. Lavoie will speak with Mr. Parent and schedule a meeting after the edits from both meetings can be added.
- Public Comment
- Any Other Necessary Business
- Adjournment
Ms. Buczkowski made a motion to adjourn at 1:45 pm, seconded by Mr. LaRocque. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted by
Christina Candels-Assistant Town Administrator
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Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Town Office Building & ZOOM
1 Academy Street, Swanton, VT
11:00 am
ZOOM Link:
Anyone desiring to participate & listen in on the meeting by cell or landline phone should dial 1-929-205-6099 and enter the Meeting ID# 353 203 4083
- Call to Order
- Agenda Review
- Review and Approve Minutes
- January 6, 2025
- January 22, 2025
- Land Use & Development Regulations Review
- Set next Planning Commission Meeting date
- Public Comment
- Any Other Necessary Business
- Possible changing of regular scheduled meetings.
- Adjournment