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Promote Swanton Meeting 8/28/24

  • Wednesday, August 28, 2024
    PM – 8 PM

Village Trustees

Web version

Promote Swanton Committee

Regular Meeting

28 June 2024 18:00

Swanton Village Complex


Committee Members: Suzie Kelleher, Chair Village Trustee; Nicole Draper, Town Select Board; Earl Fournier, Town Select Board; Darci Benoit, Co-Chair, SEP/Chamber; Heather Lavoie, Swanton Historical Society; Brenda Gagne, Chief Abenaki Nation of the Missisquoi

Community: Adam Noel, Kinetic Marketing LLC; Suzanne Washburn; Chevon Cooper; Angela Carr, Don Collins

1. Presentation by Adam Noel, Kinetic Marketing LLC for a promote Swanton website that would include information on businesses, recreation, merchandise, QR Codes, and brochures. Much discussion was had by the committee and the community including mailing fliers, paid adverts on social media, print media, radio. Television and the LVRT. The discussion surrounding the merchandising aspect was in regard to duplicating what was already offered at our local stores. Some discussion took place surrounding a printed calendar and its feasibility in cost and scope. A small discussion took place regarding the QR codes and who should be responsible for the cost of the codes for each business, some believing it should be on the business owner while others believing it should be on the town, village and chamber, as it is their initiative. The committee made no commitment on funding as each primary member (Suzie, Nicole, Earl and Darci) believed it should be brought to the larger boards for discussion and it was not in the purview of the sub-committee to decide.

2. Old Business:

a. Brochure: Darci worked on a mockup rough draft brochure, that was placed on the back burner with the idea that we would allow a marketing professional to do that instead.

b. Downtown Bingo: Abigael Gaudette, Swanton Arts Council, had made up a Downtown Bingo sheet. Currently available to pick up at the Library but will be asking businesses to place in their stores. Looking to run it through Halloween, with winners being drawn. Number of winners not yet decided. Trustee Kelleher and Trustee Paxman each donated $100 for the purchase of prizes, which were planned to be gift cards to use at local businesses.

c. Swan Scavenger Hunt: The Swanton Arts Council will be painting Swans and hiding them in local businesses throughout Swanton, as permission is given by business owners. This event is slated to take place through the Holiday season with hunters submitting photos of the found swans and being entered into a drawing for prizes. The suggestion was made to ask for donations from the businesses for these prizes. Abigael Gaudette is heading up this initiative.

3. New Business:

a. Abenaki Oral History Paddle: Chief Gagne indicated that this would not be an issue to facilitate. Some discussion was made on where it would take place (Max’s Bend) and when would be at the discretion of the Abenaki Nation. The Committee will work with the Abenaki Nation to amplify their events in the community.

b. Picinic Area Spring/Summer 2025: Discussion took place around where to place it and it was decided that until the lighting issue is fixed at Marble Mill that placing two picnic tables on the VFW side near the canoe portage would be optimal. Beautification would support two large planters. Picnic tables to be placed from those in storage at the town garage.

c. Block Party: some discussion was had over the success of this year’s block party. This year’s focus was for the businesses, and it fell short of that for some businesses. Due to scheduling conflicts, there was no optimal time to have it for everyone. Some business owners indicated it as a lot with the car show the next day. 2025 Block Party is focused more on the community aspect. Business owners are welcome to take part or not participate as they see fit. As with any activity brought forth by the committee. Suggestion was made that some activities take place during the slower retail season of January to August. The committee will take this under advisement and work towards activities that would work during those time and are more inclusive.

d. Discussion was had about expanding some other events but decided that creating Family Night Outs would be more effective, during the slower season. The committee would look at the community calendar and see what would work, taking into consideration surrounding communities. It should be noted that live music events need to be scheduled as soon as possible to ensure the chosen band is available. It was noted that historically June Events do not succeed.

e. The committee made the decision to inquire about two additional marketing proposals. There was discussion around using the existing joint website instead of creating a separate one for cost effectiveness. Darci Benoit, Co-chair, will be reaching out to the Vermont Tourism Board for recommendations.

f. Community Calendar on the joint website needs an easier interface for community users to add their own events.

4. Next meeting set for October 22, 2024 18:00 location TBD

Web version

Promote Swanton Meeting

28 August 2024 6pm

Swanton Village Complex

Zoom Meeting ID 895 9571 1745

Passcode: 513615


  1. Presentation by Mr. Noel regarding Downtown Swanton website
  2. Old Business:
  1. Brochure
  2. Downtown Bingo
  3. Swan Scavenger Hunt
  1. New Business
  1. Plans for 2025
  1. Abenaki Oral history while paddling the river
  2. Picnic area at Marble Mill or side of the bridge by VFW
  3. Block Party
  1. Set next meeting