Trustees Meeting 4/10/24
April 10, 2024
7PM – 10 PM
Web version
Wednesday, April 10, 2024
7:00 PM
PRESENT: David Winchester, Village President; Suzie Kelleher, Trustee; Adam Paxman, Trustee; Eugene LaBombard, Trustee; William “Bill” Sheets, Village Manager; Dianne Day, Village Clerk; Heidi Britch-Valenta, Grant Specialist and Ch. 16. Via Teams: None.
To watch this meeting in its entirety, go to Northwest Access TV on YouTube. Unless otherwise noted, all motions carried, unanimously.
- Call to Order:
David Winchester, Village President, called the Village Board of Trustees meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
- Pledge of Allegiance:
Everyone in attendance stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.
- Agenda Review:
- Public Comment:
- Approve and accept Minutes from Monday, March 11, 2024 as presented:
Adam Paxman made the motion to approve and accept the Minutes from March 25, 2024 as presented. Suzie Kelleher seconded. Discussion: None. Motion carried.
- Approve and Accept Village Warrants through Thursday, April 4, 2024:
Eugene LaBombard made the motion to approve and accept Village Warrants #32-#35 as presented. Adam Paxman seconded. Discussion: None. Motion carried.
- Grant/Project Update with Heidi Britch-Valenta:
Heidi Britch-Valenta, Swanton Village’s Grant Specialist, presented the following Power Point Presentation to the Board highlighting grants that she is working on. This report shows grants that the Village has received and some that are pending as well as some the Village has applied for and are waiting to hear back on.
B-6 Bridge Repair 2024
NEED-Bridge needs repairs to ensure safety until full upgrade is possible in 2029. • ACTION- Joints are being replaced and sealed. Full closure of bridge planned. • • FUNDING-Structures Grant for $200,000. Application submitted for $175,000 additional funds. • IMPACT-1 construction bid received $451,646 with negotiations ongoing.
B-6 Bridge Upgrade 2029
• NEED- Bridge has structural deficiencies and will need substantial repair or full replacement. • ACTION- Design for new bridge in progress. Local Concerns Meeting will be scheduled soon. • FUNDING- State Capital total amount is being determined by A.O.T. engineers responsible for the new design. • IMPACT- The Village will be responsible for a cash match which depends on a couple of things.
Highway Safety Improvement Grant 2024
• NEED- improve safety with reflective signs, break away posts and replace paint on streets. • ACTION-order new reflective signs, install break away poles, repaint intersections, crosswalks, bike lanes. Work to be done summer 2024. • FUNDING- HSIP Grant $35,000 covers materials and labor. • IMPACT- no cash match is required. PWD will perform the work. Benefit is improved safety for pedestrians and vehicles.
Stormwater Outlet on Winters Court 2024
• NEED- Address stormwater issues as required under the Municipal Roads General Permit (MRGP). • ACTION-Reduce erosion from stormwater flow into the Missisquoi River by stabilizing a stormwater outlet on the riverbank. Scheduled for this summer. • FUNDING-Grants in Aid Program $9,000 • IMPACT- The Village will be responsible for an in[1]kind match of $2,500. PWD will perform the work.
Stormwater Project 2025
• NEED- Address stormwater issues as required under the Municipal Roads General Permit (MRGP). • ACTION-Reduce erosion from stormwater flow into the Missisquoi River by stabilizing an identified erosion issue. Location will be determined in conjunction with NRPC. Scheduled for this summer 2025/26 • FUNDING-Grants in Aid Program $9,000 • IMPACT- The Village will be responsible for an in-kind match of $2,500. PWD will preform the work.
Downtown Safety Improvements 2023
• NEED- improve pedestrian/ bicycle and vehicular safety in the congested high crash area along Grand Ave in the Village Core. • ACTION-implement safety recommendations from study: improve intersections, shorten crosswalks, reconfigure parking, and improve ADA facilities at Merchants Row over 3-5-years. • FUNDING-Transportations Alternative Program $300,000. • IMPACT- Local cash and in-kind match of $75,000.
Downtown Safety Improvements 2024
• NEED- Address Stormwater issues and improve safety in the congested high crash area along Church Street in the Village Core. • ACTION-implement safety recommendations from study: improve bicycle and pedestrian facilities, improve stormwater infrastructure, make Church St one way vehicle traffic. 3-5 years to develop and implement. • FUNDING-Transportations Alternative Program $473,750. • IMPACT- Local cash and in-kind match of $118,438. One way traffic southbound will reduce traffic entering the dangerous intersection.
Infrastructure Capital Planning Project 2024
• NEED- aging water and sewer lines are vulnerable to breaks and some customers have poor service in areas with undersized pipes which is also limiting growth for new customers. • ACTION-Evaluate existing lines, hydrants, and valves and prioritize most critical needs to improve resiliency and for capital planning and budgeting purposes. • FUNDING- ACCD MPG to hire consultant $13,950 • IMPACT- the Village is responsible for $1,550 cash match. Improved resiliency and less impact to customers.
Waste Water Facility Upgrade
• NEED- Aging Wastewater Treatment Facility has equipment that has exceeded its life expectancy. • ACTION- Replace equipment to increase efficiency and improve resiliency. Scheduled for 2024/25. • FUNDING- Community Resiliency and Revitalization Program (CRRP) $800,000 • IMPACT-80% match is met with balance of the project funding through the Clean Water State Revolving Fund.
Anticipated Amount Status VT SRF Program Loan Forgiveness $1,049,600
Applied VT SRF Program PC Grant $1,040,000
Applied CRRP Funding $800,000
Committed VT SRF Program Loan $5,110,400 Applied
TOTAL $8,000,000
Missisquoi Water Line Crossing 2023
• NEED- Create redundancy line and remove water line from B-6 Bridge to eliminate the risk of damage from ice jams and to prepare for bridge replacement. • ACTION- Create new water line from Webster Terrace to Foundry Street by drilling under the Missisquoi River. Scheduled for summer 2024. • FUNDING- Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Loan with forgiveness. • IMPACT- Village Bond $1,200,000. The benefit is improved resiliency and preparedness for the bridge replacement.
Riviere Hotel Remediation 2022
• NEED- Remediate blighted property in Village Center that is a deterrent to economic development, and a fire and health hazard. • ACTION- Implement recommendations in Northern Gateway Study: Assess contaminants, remove building, remediate soil contaminants, and create redevelopment plan. Final cleanup plan is being developed. RFP for development proposals being finalized. • FUNDING- Brownfield Funding through Northwest Regional Planning Commission. • IMPACT- Village is responsible for 25% of cleanup costs. Benefit is a revitalized property that can be returned to useful purpose and property tax generation.
124 First Street Remediation 2023
• NEED- Remediate blighted property adjoining Village Municipal Complex and revitalize for municipal use. Provide necessary space for overburdened municipal complex property. • ACTION- Assess contaminants, remove building, remediate soil contaminants, and create redevelopment plan. The final cleanup plan is being finalized. • • FUNDING- Brownfield Funding through Northwest Regional Planning Commission. • IMPACT- Village is responsible for 25% of cleanup costs. Benefit is a revitalized property that can meet the needs of the Village for the foreseeable future.
Municipal Energy Audits 2024
• NEED- Determine potential energy improvements to municipal buildings to become eligible for implementation funding. • ACTION- Schedule audits for Village Municipal Complex and Wastewater Treatment Facility. • FUNDING- Municipal Energy Resiliency Program (MERP) • IMPACT- Recommendations for improvements are eligible for funding up to $500,000.
Energy Improvement Small Projects 2023
• NEED- Outreach events to raise awareness of energy improvements opportunities. • ACTION- Swanton Energy Committee performing outreach and educational events. • FUNDING- Municipal Energy Resiliency Program Mini-Grant $4,000 • IMPACT- the Village has no match on this grant. Benefit is improved outreach and education to help the Village support customers toward greater energy efficiency.
Emergency Generator for Hydro Facility
• NEED- The Hydro Facility needs a back up generator to improve resiliency. • ACTION- prepare for a FEMA Emergency Generator Grant by creating a Benefit Cost Analysis. • FUNDING- VHCB Rural Economic Development Initiative (REDI) $2,160 offers small grants to small communities to help them get large grants. • IMPACT- The Village has no required match for this grant.
• NEED- Each Department has unique safety requirements and property equipment, and personal protective clothing is necessary to ensure employee safety. • ACTION- Address department safety needs with annual purchases. • FUNDING-PACIF Safety Grant $5,000 • IMPACT- Offset cost of necessary equipment purchases. Village has $5,000 cash match.
CWSRF- WW UPGRADE $2,089,600
CWSRF- WATER LINE $1,107,000
TOTAL $5,048,460
AOT Structures $175,000 B-6 Bridge Repair
AOT Class 2 $175,000 Linda Ave & Lake St Paving
EV Charger $180,000 74 Merchants Row
EV Charger $160,000 120 First St
ANR 3-Acre Stormwater $49,000 Jones Court 3-Acre Permit
ANR 3-Acre Stormwater $24,000 120 First St 3-Acre Permit
TOTAL $763,000
MERP 120 First St & WW TF $500,000 Energy improvements
FEMA Emergency Generator $80,000 Hydro Emergency Generator
DOE Hydro Production Incentive $30,000 x 10 years Production Incentive for Generator #5
DOE Hydro Maint. & Enhancement $63,750 Replace Exciters
AOT Better Roads $8,000 Update Road Erosion Inventory
AOT Bike and Pedestrian Program $75,000 Grand Ave Sidewalk Upgrade
NRPC Brownfields TBD Riviere Remediation
ACCD Brownfields TBD 124 First Street Remediation
ANR Stormwater TBD Jones Court 3-Acre Stormwater Permit
ANR Stormwater TBD 120 First St 3-Acre Stormwater Permit
ANR Clean Water Fund TBD Grand Ave & Greenwich St Stormwater
FEMA Assist. To Firefighters TBD Exhaust Ventilation System
The Board thanked Heidi for her presentation and was pleased at the amount of grant money that has been secured. They’re also looking forward to the Village being awarded some of the pending applications. They commented on how these were funds that wouldn’t be placed on the taxpayers, and they were grateful for that. They urged her to continue her good work and look forward to another update.
- Discussion on the Defacing at Marble Mill Park:
Bill Sheets, Village Manager, stated that our Public Works team has done some significant work cleaning up the bank and solidifying the bank with stone and topsoil. The goal is to maintain a stable, grassy slope just off the parking lot. All graffiti was removed and will be monitored regularly. The playground equipment has been primed and areas that were defaced will be painted when the weather improves. There are more areas to be cleaned and then the nets will be installed. We will continue to work on a lighting upgrade, a camera solution and better signage.
- Discuss and Approve Blake Street Swanton Recreation Parking Ban Ordinance:
Adam Paxman made the motion to approve and adopt the Blake Street Swanton Recreation Parking Ban Ordinance as presented. Suzie Kelleher seconded. Discussion: Suzie read the Ordinance as follows:
- No person shall park any vehicle on Blake Street for the purpose of attending any activity at the Swanton Recreational Facility;
- Violations of this section will result in a parking fine of $25 for the first offense and $50 for subsequent offenses;
- If the vehicle(s) is in violation and needs to be removed the Police Department may call for the removal in accordance to Title 23 VSA 1102 at the owner’s expense.
Motion carried unanimously.
- Water Allocation Increase Request for 145 Maquam Shore Road:
Adam Paxman made the motion to enter Water Commissioner’s meeting at 8:03 p.m. Eugene LaBombard seconded. Motion carried.
Suzie Kelleher made the motion to approve John and Sandra Knapp’s request to increase their water allocation from 100 GPD to 360 GPD at 145 Maquam Shore Road, Swanton. Eugene LaBombard seconded. Discussion: They are converting their seasonal camp to a year-round single-family dwelling. Motion carried.
Eugene LaBombard made the motion to exit Water Commissioner’s meeting and re-enter Open Session at 8:05 p.m. Suzie Kelleher seconded the motion. Motion carried.
- Village Manager Update:
Total Eclipse: We staffed the EOC all day, from 0700-1900 hours. The event went well, the most significant issue was traffic immediately following the event. We had a live feed all day from the State of Vermont Drone team who were onsite throughout. The FD was deployed by 0900 at predetermined locations and this worked well as they had a thirty second response time to a rollover crash into the marsh along Route 78 in West Swanton. Overall, this was a wonderful experience, and we want to thank all who participated to make things run smoothly.
Sidewalks/Zoning: I followed up with the Town and with zoning on the applicability of some type of zoning bylaw that might help us secure funding for damage caused during construction. etc. Zoning did not see this as a viable option. I checked internally and we have not incurred a known loss within the last five years. Contractors who become aware that they have caused damage to our sidewalks or other infrastructure have fixed any damage.
Electric: Our Electric Department, along with Enosburgh did provide mutual aid to GMP during this past storm. One remaining concern in the Electric industry is the prolonged wait times for transformers, meter sockets and other miscellaneous needs, which can range from 50 to 100 weeks. The costs of most transformers have tripled since COVID.
Highgate Water and Wastewater Extension: This project has gone out to bid. While this remains Highgate’s project and they retain ownership, we will eventually be providing water and wastewater services to this line. The earliest start for this project would be September/October and it will run into 2025.
Hydro: Unit 1 and Unit 2 turbines are still offline for repairs. The part for Unit 1 (control ring) is due to be delivered and installed on May 17th. Unit 2’s thrust bearing was replaced but during startup they discovered additional issues that will require disassembly and further analysis and repairs. The lower guide bearing was identified as the culprit, and it has been sent out for repairs. Production remains high due to the snowmelt and recent rain; we are still spilling. Our first new hire at hydro will be solo next week, with the final two being certified to operate independently in two weeks.
Reminder: We remain in our “Run of River” phase of Hydroelectric Operations effective at 0001 hours on April 1st through May 31st at 2400 hours. This means that we generate power based upon what mother nature provides, with no ability to peak to meet demands or maximize generation.
Stormwater: Invitations to bid for 120 First Street, to meet the State of Vermont three-acre rule, are due on April 26th at 1400 hours. A site visit was held last Wednesday and there was significant interest.
Wastewater: We have had three recent examples of extensive root blockage on some of our aging Clay Tile 6-inch wastewater pipes. These are Blake Street, Bosworth Street and Winters Court, and we are confident that more will be discovered. Options range from contracting out to replacing pipe. We have chosen the most cost efficient and effective option, which is outfitting our Vactor with an attachment that we believe will be effective in many instances of removing the blockages without damaging infrastructure. Bill also stated they would benefit from having a camera probe so that they don’t have to hire that service out as well. Suzie Kelleher made the motion to approve the water and wastewater departments purchasing a camera for probing water and sewer lines, not to exceed $15,000. Eugene LaBombard seconded the motion. Discussion: Eugene asked if there was any damage to the water line when it was probed with the water jet. Bill said no, it cleared the line and worked great. Motion carried.
Merchant’s Row: We need two days of dry weather above 50 degrees to install the new railings on the South end of Merchant’s Row and to designate the last parking spot, in front of Karen’s Hair Studio, as Handicap Parking.
Police Department: We have advertised for the additional police officer and the administrative assistant. Interviews start next week and hopefully candidates will be selected and screened shortly thereafter. Bill said they had excellent candidates for both positions.
- Public Comment:
- Any Other Necessary Business:
Adam Paxman said himself along with volunteers are putting up the flags in the Village Green on Saturday, May 25th for Veterans’ Day. David Winchester asked if more flags could be installed. Adam said if they had more volunteers to put them up that would be a possibility. Bill Sheets said that would be a good community service activity for the girls’ softball team.
Adam also stated the Memorial Day Parade will be held on Monday, May 27th at 2 p.m. and is supported by the Swanton Selectboard, Village Trustees and Chamber of Commerce. He said if anyone would like to participate with a patriotic theme that honors those who made the ultimate sacrifice, to reach out to him. Suzie Kelleher said she had some poster boards of fallen soldiers that she’d like added. Adam said that is a great idea and discussed where they could put them.
Adam also mentioned the letter he received about the stormwater issue on Jone’s Court. He advised those who received the same letter to throw it out, it means nothing. He also asked if the Village public works crew would be street sweeping this year. Bill advised yes, they would. He also asked if there was any more discussion about running Village water up to the Border Crossing in Highgate Springs. Bill said he is having ongoing discussions about this and said it would probably be a 10-year project.
- Executive Session to Discuss Legal Matters and Personnel:
Suzie Kelleher made the motion, seconded by Eugene LaBombard, to go into Executive Session at 8:34 p.m. to discuss legal matters and personnel issues where premature general public knowledge of the subject matter would place the Village or person involved at a substantial disadvantage. Motion carried.
Suzie Kelleher made the motion to exit Executive Session and re-enter Open Session at 8:39 pm. Eugene LaBombard seconded. Motion carried.
ACTION TAKEN: Adam Paxman made the motion to enter into a contract with DirtTech Company in the amount of $331,646.00 to complete repairs on the Swanton Depot Street Bridge on Merchants Row. Eugene LaBombard seconded the motion. Motion carried.
- Adjournment:
Suzie Kelleher made the motion to adjourn the Regular Meeting of the Board of the Trustees meeting at 8:42 p.m. Adam Paxman seconded. There being no further business at hand, David Winchester, Village President, adjourned the meeting at 8:42 p.m. Motion carried.
_____________________________________ _______________________________________
David Winchester, Village President Date
__________________________ ________ ____________________________________
Dianne Day, Village Clerk Date
Web version
Wednesday, April 10, 2024
7:00 P.M.
There is also Teams Meeting access for this meeting. Anyone desiring to participate & listen in on the meeting can do so by going to the Village’s website at, click on Village, Village Trustees and find the meeting by date. Open the agenda and click on the meeting link.
Meeting ID: 227 963 593 297
Passcode: BfLqQX
- Call to Order.
- Pledge of Allegiance.
- Agenda Review.
- Public Comment.
- Approve and Accept Minutes from Monday, March 25, 2024 meeting as presented.
- Approve and Accept Village Warrants through Thursday, April 4, 2024.
- Grant/Project Update with Heidi Britch-Valenta.
- Discussion on the Defacing at Marble Mill Park.
- Discuss and Approve Blake Street Swanton Recreation Parking Ban Ordinance.
- Water Allocation Increase Request for 145 Maquam Shore Road.
- Village Manager Update.
- Public Comment.
- Any Other Necessary Business.
- Executive Session to Discuss Legal Matters and Personnel.
MOTION #1: I move that we find that we enter executive session for the Trustees to receive
confidential contract & personnel information for which the premature disclosure of it to the
general public would clearly place the Trustees & others at a substantial disadvantage. Roll
Call Vote on Motion.
MOTION #2: I move that based on our just made findings that premature disclosure would
place the Trustees & others at a substantial disadvantage, we enter executive session. Roll
Call Vote on Motion.
- Adjournment.