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Trustees Meeting 7/10/17

  • Monday, July 10, 2017
    PM – 9 PM

Village Trustees

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Monday, July 10, 2017

7:00 PM

PRESENT: Neal Speer, Village President; Eugene LaBombard, Village Trustee; Adam Paxman, Village Trustee; Chris Leach, Village Trustee; Reg Beliveau, Village Manager; Lynn Paradis, Assistant Village Manager; David Jescavage, Town Administrator; and Ch. 16.

1. Call to Order:

Neal Speer, Village President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

2. Agenda Review:

Reg Beliveau, Village Manager, stated that David Jescavage, Town Administrator, was present tonight to discuss the Quit Claim Deed the Village did for the Town. He said the Board also needed to discuss and sign a Resolution pertaining to the Downtown area and that could fall under Any Other Business. Reg also stated he needed an Executive Session to discuss personnel.

3. Approve and Accept Minutes from Monday, June 26, 2017:

Adam Paxman made the motion to approve and accept the Minutes from Monday, June 26, 2017 as presented. Chris Leach seconded. Discussion: None. Motion carried.

4. Approve and Accept Village Warrants through Friday, July 7, 2017:

Chris Leach made the motion to approve and accept Village Warrants through Friday, July 7, 2017 as presented. Adam Paxman seconded. Discussion: None. Motion carried.

The Board decided to move Item #7 Any Other Business, to Item #5.

5. Any Other Necessary Business:

David Jescavage, Town Administrator, said he would begin with the renewal of the Village Center Designation. He said this year he would like to get approval to expand the Village Center Designation which would include going across the river. He said the benefit of this would be to encourage economic growth and a business could then benefit from tax credits and grants. He said he feels the State would now approve this expanded Village Center Designation. He said he also moved the line further up Canada Street to include some of the existing businesses there. He said south on Church Street he included the senior housing units as well in case they need to do any renovations. He said he is asking the Trustees to approve a Resolution supporting the application to have the Village Center Designation approved this year. He said he wasn’t sure how the State would approve this, they could leave it the same as last year’s or approve the requested changes. Chris Leach asked if any of our local businesses been successful in using any of these tax credits or grants. Dave stated he wasn’t sure if any have used them or not. Reg stated he wasn’t sure how extensive it was to apply for any of these tax credits or grants. Dave said this is renewed every five years. Chris Leach made the motion to approve and support the renewal of the Village Center Designation Resolution with the abovementioned changes. Eugene LaBombard seconded. Motion carried. The Board members signed the Resolution.

Any Other Business: David Jescavage stated that on Babbie Boulevard from Route 78 at the end of the Fournier property there is a small parcel of land. He said because it’s located in the Town of Swanton they were under the assumption that the Town owned that property. He said the Board of Selectmen made a deal with Fournier’s Farm Equipment to swap a piece of equipment in exchange for that parcel of land. He said it’s so small nothing could really be done with it other than parking for when they have their auctions. He said when he contacted their attorney to draw up the deed for it they discovered the Village owned the land. He said the Town Selectboard asked him to contact the Village Trustees and ask if they would be willing to sign it over to the Town so they could then sign it over to Fournier’s Farm Equipment in exchange for a piece of equipment. He said the Village Trustees approved that transaction and he now needs them to sign this deed. He said the Village needs to do a Quit Claim Deed which has a 30 day waiting period with notices printed in the local newspaper and notices put in public places in Town for this 30 day period. He said if anyone wanted to petition the Village to not convey it to the Town they could do a protest petition and it would then go to a public vote. He said he doesn’t foresee anything like that happening but it is a formality that needs to be done. Once the 30 day period is up and the Trustees authorize Neal Speer, Village President, to sign the deed the Town would then be able to convey it to Fournier’s Farm Equipment. He said this would benefit both the Town and Village by adding a little bit to the Grand List because as it stands now it’s pretty much useless. Chris Leach said they have discussed this and are in agreement with this. Chris Leach made the motion to approve and sign the Resolution and to give authority to Neal Speer, Village President, to sign the Quit Claim Deed at the end of the 30 day waiting period, conveying this parcel of land over to the Town of Swanton. Eugene LaBombard seconded. Motion carried.

6. Clarification of the Water Hauler Issue:

Reg Beliveau stated when they last discussed this they mentioned the customer charge staying with the Village but the water used going to the Fire Department. Lynn Paradis, stated that was not the case and said the numbers that Dianne Day, Village Clerk, gave them that evening was what it cost for the Village to make that water. She said those rates would make the Village whole on the water used. Eugene LaBombard stated that was what he assumed also. Reg Beliveau said he remembers discussion on giving the Fire Department a piece of this charge. Eugene also stated the Village has a 40% water loss and asked how that compares to other towns. Lynn stated they should be around 25% not 40%. Eugene stated that is a lot of water to be losing and suggested they wait and see where they are in a few months. He said he doesn’t believe the water haulers are taking that much water. Lynn stated the fountain in the Village Green as well as the Swan Pond take quite a bit of water and that’s not being billed for. Eugene said he doesn’t think people are using that much water from the drinking fountain. Lynn said she is talking about the cascading fountain on the other end of the park. Reg said it was metered at one time and it isn’t taking a lot of water. Eugene suggested that be checked to make sure. Reg said there is a meter there so it’s easy enough to figure out. Adam stated people are using the drinking fountain as well filling five gallon jugs at a time. Adam stated there was a leak in the Swan Pond a couple of years ago but said that was fixed before the swans came back this year. Neal Speer asked if the Board was clear on the water hauler issue. Reg Beliveau stated he was clear.

7. Update on Orman Croft Generating Facility Dam:

Reg Beliveau, Village Manager, stated the new rubber bag was ordered and said their attorney talked with the Public Authority Commission and they approved replacing the rubber bag dam. Lynn Paradis, Assistant Village Manager, stated they are still going to have to do a 108 filing but they have agreed to move it along and not drag their feet with it. She said after they receive the Public Authority Commission’s approval with the 108 filing they will need to get voter approval as well. She said the bag is ordered but the Village doesn’t have regulatory approval yet. She said they can’t file the 108 until they get all the moving pieces together. She said she’s gotten a quote on the legal expense, she’s waiting on the engineering quote and also the installation quote. Reg said they’ve had conversations with the contractor that gave them a quote last fall. He said their attorney suggests the contractor give an updated quote at this time. Reg said he met with the contractor and he’s hoping he has that updated quote by the end of the week. Reg also said he’s contacted an engineer and because this is only done every 25 years or so they will need to use an engineer on parts of this job. Chris Leach stated the more safety checks they have the better off they’ll be. Reg said he will be talking with the Army Corps of Engineers this week also about doing work on the river. He said he also needs to contact the Agency of Natural Resources as well regarding permits but said that should go smoothly. Chris said this is a replacement not an upgrade. Reg agreed and said the last time this was done there were a lot of upgrades that took place and that’s not the case with this one. He said they are going to get a diver in there to see what’s left from the last installation. He said they may also recommend a roadway be put in for the crane to bring the bag in. He said hopefully early to mid October the bag will be here and it will be quick turn around. He said one of the reasons they are moving forward like they are is because if they wait they might not be able to install the dam in the winter time and the revenue loss would be extreme. He said VPPSA did an analysis and it would be well over $300,000. Lynn said the increase in power costs is going to be more than what the bond payment would be yearly if they lost that revenue. Reg said the St. Albans Messenger has done a great job in getting accurate information out about the issues the Village is facing. He said they should have a sit down with Channel 15 to get the information out there about this topic. He said he’d like to have a live show where people can call in with questions. He said the more information they get out there the better off they’ll be. He said yes there will be an increase in the rates but they had already anticipated that because the bag was due to be replaced in 2018. Eugene LaBombard stated that the increase would be a lot more if they didn’t replace it. Reg said he’s gathered a lot of information in a week’s time and things are moving along nicely so far. He also said he heard back from the manufacturer of the bag and they took off the expedited fees they were charging the Village. The Trustees were glad to hear that and said they appreciated it. Chris Leach said he’s always had a lot of respect for Pizzagali as well. Reg said the cost of this bag is less than what it cost 25 years ago. He said he was told with this new design it should last approximately 25 years. He also said the trash rake is really taking a beating right now with all the debris. The Board thanked Reg for the update and offered their help if he needed it. Lynn stated that at their next meeting she would have a line of credit that would need to be approved and signed also.

8. Any Other Necessary Business:

Chris Leach stated with his resignation from Northwest Regional Planning Commission they need to find a replacement from the Village of Swanton to represent the Village. He asked if they should advertise or if they knew of anyone that would be willing to do it. Eugene LaBombard mentioned Elizabeth Nance and said she would be perfect for this position. Chris Leach stated he would go see her and ask her if she would be interested in doing this.

Any Other Business: Adam Paxman said the Chamber of Commerce Car Show will be held on July 29th and he urged everyone to come and check it out. He also said there was a small sink hole by Marble Mill and said it’s already been taken care of. Adam also said he would like to remind people to slow down as there are a lot of people walking and riding bikes. Eugene stated they should revisit making Brown Avenue a “no left turn” street.

Any Other Business: Eugene LaBombard said they should consider getting registered for the NEPPA Conference coming up. Reg stated he just received some information on that. Adam stated he couldn’t go this year and Eugene stated he would be going. Lynn stated she would check out the cost and let them know. The NEPPA Conference is in Rhode Island this year.

Any Other Business: Neal Speer stated the swans are doing fine and seem to be right at home in the park. They stated how pretty the swans are and said they seem happy.

9. Public Comment:


10. Executive Session to Discuss Personnel:

Adam Paxman made the motion to enter into Executive Session at 7:51 p.m. to discuss Personnel. Eugene LaBombard seconded. Motion carried.

Chris Leach made the motion to exit Executive Session at 8:21 p.m. Adam Paxman seconded. Motion carried.


11. Adjournment:

Chris Leach made the motion to adjourn the Regular Board of Trustees meeting at 8:21 p.m. Eugene LaBombard seconded. There being no further business at hand, Neal Speer, Village President, adjourned the meeting at 8:21 p.m. Motion carried.

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Neal Speer, Village President                                       Date

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Dianne Day, Village Clerk                                           Date