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2025 Cemetery Invitation to Bid for Mowing & Grounds Maintenace

Posted Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Town News


Cemetery Commission

P. O. Box 711

1 Academy Street

Swanton, Vermont   05488



The Cemetery Commission of the Town of Swanton is requesting bids for the 2025 season for mowing and grounds maintenance on its cemeteries listed below:

            Riverside Cemetery:  176 North River Street, approximately 12 acres containing             approximately 3300 monuments. This cemetery is the only active cemetery that the

            Commission is operating at this time. Included in the twelve acres is also a parcel located 

            adjacent to the developed parcel that has no monuments but must be kept mowed and

            in good condition.

            Church Street Cemetery:  24 Church Street, approximately 1.65 acres containing

            approximately 860 monuments, many of which are historic. The cemetery is not active

            but is fenced, gated and locked. 

            Dorman Cemetery (aka Woods Hill Cemetery):  126 Woods Hill Road, approximately

            1.10 acres with approximately 275 monuments. Many of the monuments are in disrepair.

            Green’s Corners Cemetery:  Sheldon Road (VT Route 105) just south of Viens Road

            intersection, approximately .90 acres containing approximately 390 monuments.

            Tabor Road Cemetery:  155 Tabor Road approximately .55 acres with approximately 14


Scope of Work:

            Season:  The season runs from April 15 to October 31st unless extended upon mutual

            agreement between the vendor and the Commission

            Mowing:  All lawns are to be mowed so that the grass is no longer than 5 inches and no

            shorter than 2.5 inches. 

            Trimming:  Trimming of all monuments and other structures is to be done each time the

            mowing occurs.

            Spring and Fall Clean up:  The grounds are to be picked clean of branches, twigs,

            Refuse, litter and other debris prior to the first mowing of the season, as well as after the


Swanton Cemetery Commission

Invitation to Bid – Lawn and Grounds 2025

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            final mowing of the season. All material picked up is to be hauled away and properly

            disposed of.

            Clippings:  All clippings are to be removed and properly disposed of. There are barrels 

for refuse located in the fenced enclosure at the Riverside Cemetery that are to be   emptied and properly disposed of.

Bidder requirement:

            Equipment:  The successful bidder is to provide all of their own equipment, hand            tools,  trimmers, etc. that are required to properly do the work required. They will also be

            responsible to provide their own fuel, oil and maintenance of their equipment.

            Insurance:  The successful bidder is to provide at the time of the signing of the contract,

            a Certificate of Insurance showing limits of liability for property damage, injury and         liability to others, worker’s comp coverages. The limits of liability as per the Accounting

            Policies of the Town of Swanton are $1,000,000.00 minimum.

Submission of Bids:

            All bids are to be submitted in a sealed envelope marked, “Cemetery Mowing andGrounds Bid 2025” to Swanton Cemetery Commission either by mail or personally delivered NO LATER THAN 4:30 PM ON FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 2025 TO:

Swanton Cemetery Commission

c/o Swanton Town Administrator

P O Box 711

1 Academy Street

Swanton, VT   05488

The Swanton Cemetery Commission reserves the right to reject any or all bids.