FEMA Mitigation Program:
Mr. Fournier discussed his concerns with Selectboard opting to not partake in this program may have been a premature decision. Selectboard members in attendance discussed what they thought the program to entail and agreed that they needed more information.
Ms. Stephanie Smith from State of Vermont is scheduled to attend the next Selectboard meeting with more information on program. Selectboard members agreed to wait to rescind decision until this discussion takes place.
Letter form VTrans Route 78 Sidewalk:
Selectboard members reviewed letter form VTrans in regards to Swanton discontinuing plans to construct a sidewalk along route 78. VTrans stated what the amount due to end this project is $70,287.60. The letter also gave a response due of 8/1/23. Many community members in attendance discussed the importance of this sidewalk. Selectboard will proceed with plan to discontinue.
At this time Swanton is awaiting final invoices for project expenses to date.
Swanton Historical Society room in Swanton Public Library:
Members of Swanton Historical Society spoke about the importance of ability to have the space to display historical items and what that means to the community. Many members spoke about their feelings of the letter the Selectboard sent requesting them to vacate the space. All in attendance were in agreement the space needs to be cleared so water issues on floor can be addressed. There will be a meeting with at least one person form Historical Society, Library Trustees, Selectboard, Road Forman, Town Administrator to create a plan to move items.
Selectboard rescinded letter to vacate room permanently.
2023 Swanton Municipal Plan Public Hearing:
Mr. Corey Parent & Planning Commission presented in Public Hearing new drafted 2023 Swanton Municipal Plan. This plan is created to show what the Planning Commission would like to see the town look like in the next 20 years within 8-year plan. The importance of the plan is to show what plans they have for future growth & infrastructure paving the way for grant opportunities.