Swanton Trailhead Construction
Swanton STP LVRT(21)
Sealed bids from pre-qualified contractors shall be accepted until 2pm, prevailing time on Tuesday February 18, 2025, at the Swanton Town Offices, 1 Academy Street, Swanton, VT 05488 for construction of the project hereinafter described. Bid opening will occur immediately after the bid submittal deadline. The time of receiving and opening bids may be postponed due to emergencies or unforeseen conditions.
Sealed BIDS shall be marked in the lower left hand corner: Bid Documents: Swanton STP LVRT(21).
Each BID must be accompanied by a certified check payable to the Town of Swanton for five percent (5%) of the total amount of the BID. A BID bond may be used in lieu of a certified check.
PREQUALIFICATION OF CONTRACTORS: All bidders on this project shall be on the Agency of Transportation’s prequalified list under the category listed below or shall have submitted a complete prequalification application to the Agency of Transportation, Contract Administration, a minimum of 10 working days prior to the bid opening. For information contact Jon Winter at (802) 622-1267.
All bidders shall be on the current VTRANS Contract Administration pre-qualified list “Contractors List of Park and Ride Lot Category”.
LOCATION: Beginning and ending at a point on Robin Hood Drive adjacent to the Lamoille Valley Rail Trail, approximately 1,500 linear feet south of MM 7.414 on VT Route 78, in Swanton, Vermont.
TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: Work to be performed under this project includes: The construction of a parking lot with access to the Lamoille Valley Rail Trail, trailside amenities including a pavilion, portable bathroom structure, bike racks, a bike service station, a potable water station, lighting, and wayfinding signage along adjacent roadway access routes.
CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE: The Contract shall be completed on or before August 1, 2025.
OBTAINING PLANS: Plans may be obtained from the VHB, 40 IDX Drive, Building 100, Suite 200, South Burlington, VT 05403. Email Chrystie Jean at cjean@. Electronic (PDF) copies of full-sized plans may be obtained at no cost.
ENGINEERS ESTIMATE: For this Proposal the Engineers Estimate falls between $500,000 and $1,000,000.
1. Town of Swanton, 1 Academy Street, Swanton, VT 05488.
2. VHB, 40 IDX Drive, Building 100, Suite 200, South Burlington, VT 05403.
STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS: This contract is governed by the Vermont Agency of Transportation (“VTrans”) 2018 Standard Specifications for Construction.
QUESTIONS: During the advertisement phase of this project all questions shall be addressed solely to Branden Roberts, PE, VHB Project Manager, Email: broberts@
All questions must be emailed to VHB.
No questions will be answered if received after 4:00 p.m. on February 3, 2025.