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Special Statement from the Board of Trustees

Posted Thursday, April 25, 2024
Village News

April 22, 2024

It has come to the attention of the Swanton Village Trustees that Swanton Village President Dave Winchester has expressed many of his personal views regarding Swanton Village that do not align with the collective vision set forth by the Village Trustees.

Mr. Winchester recently stated… “It should in theory help some. But the thriving downtown days are long gone. Retail is very much gone mostly compared to the glory years. Most buy what they need at Costco or the internet. As far as entertainment value St. Albans is the only place. We will never be able to compete with that either. The only business I need on a regular basis that operates there is The Parts Store. Everything else no longer exists”.

Let’s be clear, the views expressed above by the Village President regarding the Downtown stores and downtown “not existing”, are NOT the views of the Swanton Village Trustees.

The Swanton Village Trustees have consistently emphasized the importance of a vibrant downtown area for the prosperity of Swanton Village. The presence of businesses within our village is a testament to the vision the Trustees uphold. The Trustees have long advocated that a strong downtown is vital to Swanton Village. New businesses continue to arrive, with two new businesses coming in later this summer.

The Swanton Village Trustees, along with our valued employees, look forward to the many numerous projects that will continue to transform our community. The Swanton Village Trustees extend our gratitude to every business operating in Swanton Village for their invaluable contribution to our community and a prosperous future.

Respectfully submitted,

Eugene LaBombard     

Adam Paxman                  

Suzie Kelleher