The legal voters of the Village of Swanton are hereby warned and notified to meet at the Swanton Village Complex, 120 First Street, Swanton, Vermont on Tuesday, March 4, 2025 at 7:00 a.m. to vote on the articles set forth. All articles are to be voted by Australian Ballot. The polls open at 7:00 a.m. and close at 7:00 p.m.
Article 1: To elect from the legal voters of said Village the following officers:
President for a 1-year term
Trustee for a 3-year term
Clerk for a 1-year term
Collector of Delinquent Taxes for a 1-year term
Article 2: Shall the voters of the Village of Swanton appropriate $197,139 for the
operation and maintenance of the General Fund for 2025?
Article 3: Shall the voters of the Village of Swanton appropriate $763,395 for the operation and maintenance of the Highway Department for 2025?
Article 4: Shall the voters of the Village of Swanton appropriate $94,457 for the operation and maintenance of the Fire Department for 2025?
Article 5: Shall the voters of the Village of Swanton appropriate $1,005,026 for the operation and maintenance of the Police Department for 2025?
Article 6: Shall bonds or notes or other evidences of indebtedness of the Village of Swanton in an amount not to exceed Eight Million Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($8,300,000), subject to reduction from alternate sources of funding, be issued for the purpose of constructing a new building for the Swanton Village Electric Department, the estimated cost of such improvements being Eight Million Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($8,300,000)?
The legal voters of the Village of Swanton are further notified that an Informational Meeting will be held on Monday, February 24, 2025 at 7:00 PM in person and via Teams for the purpose of explaining all the Budget items to the voters. Anyone desiring to participate & listen in on the meeting can do so by going to the Village’s website at, click on Village, Village Trustees and find the meeting by date. Open the agenda and click on the meeting link.
Dated at Swanton, Vermont this 27th day of January 2025.
David Winchester _____________________________ Suzie Kelleher ___________________________
President Trustee
Eugene LaBombard __________________________ Adam Paxman _____________________________
Trustee Trustee
Received and filed this 27th day of January 2025
Dianne L. Day, Village Clerk