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DRB Meeting 10-26-23

  • Thursday, October 26, 2023
    PM – 8 PM

Development Review Board


2023 1026 DRB Draft Minutes 277 KB

Approved on: Thursday, November 16, 2023

Printable version

2023 1026 DRB Draft Minutes 277 KB

Web version


Draft Minutes



One Academy Street

Swanton, VT 05488

Thursday, October 26, 2023 @ 6:00 p.m.

Present: Spencer LaBarge-Chair, Harold Garrett, Reg Beliveau, Jennifer Yandow, Jim Pratt-Members, Amy Giroux-Zoning Administrator, Christina Candels-Administrative Assistant, Joseph Cava, Fellicia Cota, Chase Cota, Heidi Britch-Valenta, Sam Ruggiano, Derick Reed, Sandra LaRocque, James Hakey, James Schuler, Judy Paxman, Steven Roy

  1. Call to Order

Mr. LaBarge called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.

  1. Agenda Review

Mr. LaBarge reviewed the agenda and read the definition of interested persons and swore in applicants, interested persons, and the board members.

Mr. Garret and Mr. Beliveau will both recused themselves from DRB-55-2023 and DRB-56-2023 as board members and can ask questions as members of the public.

  1. Meeting Topics:
  1. #DRB-51-2023: Ellsworth Moore
  1. #DRB-52-2023: Fellicia Cota
  1. #DRB-53-2023: Sandra LaRocque
  1. #DRB-54-2023: Judy Paxman
  1. #DRB-55-2023: Swanton Village
  1. #DRB-56-2023: Swanton Village
  1. #DRB-57-2023: Richard Cummings

Postponed until another meeting

  1. #DRB-51-2023: Ellsworth Moore request for boundary line adjustment approval located at 135 Bachand Road in the R3/Moderate Density Residential district.

Mr. Ruggiano came before the board to present map plans for a boundary line adjustment. This map shows where the boundary line will be adjusted/sold to the adjacent property owner. The remaining approximately 75 acres will not change.

  1. #DRB-52-2023: Fellicia Cota request for conditional use approval for a proposed Health Clinic located at 63 Grand Avenue in the R5/Residential district.

Ms. Cota came before the board to present her plans for proposed Health Clinic. Ms. Cota currently operates Creative Heart in another location (12 First St.)  and plans to move her practice to this location once the sale of the property goes through. This new location will provide more space. Ms. Cota shared upcoming plans/projects she provides.

  1. #DRB-53-2023: Sandra LaRocque request for conditional use less 30% approval for the front setback to build a screen room located at 48 Spring Street in the R5/Residential district.

Ms. LaRocque came before the board to share her plans to add 9’x12’ screen room on the end of her house. Board members reviewed the setback requirements.

  1. #DRB-54-2023: Judy Paxman request for conditional use approval to convert a single-family dwelling to a two-family dwelling located at 44 North River Street in the NCL/Neighborhood Commercial Light district.

Ms. Paxman came before the board to present plans to turn the current home from single family home to a duplex. Ms. Paxman has contact Swanton Village to change the water allocation and is working with Barnard & Gervais on the State of Vermont septic requirements.

Mr. Beliveau asked about fire break walls on plan. Mr. Pratt asked for clarification on the number of entrances. The board recommended Ms. Paxman follow that question up with Fire Marshall. (Life Safety Code)

  1. #DRB-55-2023: Swanton Village request for site plan approval to build a new Police and Fire Station located at 124 First Street in the TSA/Travel Service Area district.
  1. #DRB-56-2023: Swanton Village request for conditional use less 30% approval for the east side (Elm Street), west side (Robin Hood Drive) and south side (Short Street) setbacks to build a new Police and Fire Station located at 124 First Street in the TSA/Travel Service Area district.

Mr. Roy presented both Swanton Village applications together. Mr. Roy presented new updated plans for a new Police and Fire Station. The new plans do not require a variance. The property layout is the same as previously presented. Ms. Britch-Valenta stated that the Town of Swanton owns Robin Hood Drive and there is no lien or restrictions or encumbrance. If the road is ever not used for transportation the State of Vermont has the first right of refusal. Mr. Pratt asked for clarification of the setbacks on the map. Ms. Yandow asked for clarification on wastewater location. Mr. Reed stated the area will require an easement.

Mr. Beliveau stated previous projects did not allow the use of Robin Hood Drive. The deed as written states its owned by the town and can grant easements as they choose.

Ms. Yandow had asked at the previous meeting how many times does the Fire Dept get called out? This is in question due to fireman crossing the parking lot. Mr. Sheets had responded to Ms. Candels via email after the monthly average is 21 calls. Proper signage for fireman parking can eliminate any safety confusion also. Visitor parking would be on the side of the building.

  1. #DRB-57-2023: Richard Cummings request for sketch plan approval for a two-lot subdivision located at 8 Bushey Road in the R1/Agricultural Residential district.

Postponed until another meeting.

  1. Any Other Necessary Business


  1. Public Comment


  1. Minutes DRB September 28, 2023

Mr. Garrett made a motion to approve DRB Draft Meeting Minutes as written, seconded by Ms. Yandow. Motion carried.

  1. Deliberative Session

Mr. Pratt made a motion to enter deliberative session at 6:40 pm, seconded by Mr. Beliveau. Motion carried.

Mr. Pratt made a motion to exit deliberative session at 6:55 pm, seconded by Mr. Beliveau. Motion carried.

  1. Ms. Yandow made a motion for DRB-51-2023: Ellsworth Moore request for boundary line adjustment approval located at 135 Bachand Road in the R3/Moderate Density Residential district APPROVED as warned, seconded by Mr. Pratt. Motion carried.
  1. Mr. Beliveau made a motion for DRB-52-2023: Fellicia Cota request for conditional use approval for a proposed Health Clinic located at 63 Grand Avenue in the R5/Residential district APPROVED as warned, seconded by Mr. Pratt. Motion carried.
  1. Mr. Garrett made a motion for DRB-53-2023: Sandra LaRocque request for conditional use less 30% approval for the front setback to build a screen room located at 48 Spring Street in the R5/Residential district APPROVED as warned, seconded by Mr. Beliveau. Motion carried.
  1. Mr. Pratt made a motion for DRB-54-2023: Judy Paxman request for conditional use approval to convert a single- family dwelling to a two-family dwelling located at 44 North River Street in the NCL/Neighborhood Commercial Light district APPROVED as warned, seconded by Ms. Yandow. Motion carried.
  1. Mr. LaBarge made a motion for DRB-55-2023: Swanton Village request for site plan approval to build a new Police and Fire Station located at 124 First Street in the TSA/Travel Service Area district APPROVED as warned, seconded by Mr. Pratt. Motion carried. Mr. LaBarge, Mr. Pratt & Ms. Yandow voted aye, Mr. Beliveau & Mr. Garrett recused themselves from this vote.
  1. Mr. LaBarge made a motion for DRB-56-2023: Swanton Village request for conditional use less 30% approval for the east side (Elm Street), west side (Robin Hood Drive) and south side (Short Street) setbacks to build a new Police and Fire Station located at 124 First Street in the TSA/Travel Service Area district APPROVED as warned, seconded by Mr. Pratt. Motion carried. Mr. LaBarge, Mr. Pratt & Ms. Yandow voted aye, Mr. Beliveau & Mr. Garrett recused themselves from this vote.
  1. Set Next DRB Meeting Date

Thursday, November 16, 2023, at 6:00 p.m.

  1. Adjournment

Mr. Pratt made a motion to adjourn at 6:59 pm, seconded by Ms. Yandow. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted by

Christina Candels – Administrative Assistant

Printable version

2023 1026 DRB Agenda 344 KB

Web version





One Academy Street

Swanton, VT 05488

Thursday, October 26, 2023 @ 6:00 p.m.

A. Call to Order

B. Agenda Review

C. Meeting Topics:

  1. #DRB-51-2023: Ellsworth Moore request for boundary line adjustment approval located at 135 Bachand Road in the R3/Moderate Density Residential district.
  1. #DRB-52-2023: Fellicia Cota request for conditional use approval for a proposed Health Clinic located at 63 Grand Avenue in the R5/Residential district.
  1. #DRB-53-2023: Sandra LaRocque request for conditional use less 30% approval for the front setback to build a screen room located at 48 Spring Street in the R5/Residential district.
  1. #DRB-54-2023: Judy Paxman request for conditional use approval to convert a single- family dwelling to a two-family dwelling located at 44 North River Street in the NCL/Neighborhood Commercial Light district.
  1. #DRB-55-2023: Swanton Village request for site plan approval to build a new Police and Fire Station located at 124 First Street in the TSA/Travel Service Area district.
  1. #DRB-56-2023: Swanton Village request for conditional use less 30% approval for the east side (Elm Street), west side (Robin Hood Drive) and south side (Short Street) setbacks to build a new Police and Fire Station located at 124 First Street in the TSA/Travel Service Area district.
  1. #DRB-57-2023: Richard Cummings request for sketch plan approval for a two-lot subdivision located at 8 Bushey Road in the R1/Agricultural Residential district.

D. Deliberative Session

E. Minutes DRB September 28, 2023

F. Any Other Necessary Business

G. Public Comment

H. Set Next DRB Meeting Date

I.   Adjournment

PLEASE NOTE: Attendance at and participation in a public hearing for these cases are required in order to appeal the DRB’s decision. All

applicants or Agents must attend to present their applications for review.