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DRB Meeting 11-16-23

  • Thursday, November 16, 2023
    PM – 7 PM

Development Review Board


2023 1116 DRB Draft MInutes 220 KB

Approved on: Thursday, January 25, 2024

Printable version

2023 1116 DRB Draft MInutes 220 KB

Web version


Draft Minutes



One Academy Street

Swanton, VT 05488

Thursday, November 16, 2023 @ 6:00 p.m.

Present: Spencer LaBarge-Chair, Reg Beliveau, Harold Garrett, Jim Pratt-Members, Amy Giroux-Zoning Administrator, Christina Candels-Administrative Assistant, Danny Barratt, Gary Shilling, Debbie Shilling, Shawn Cheney

Absent: Jennifer Yandow

  1. Call to Order

Mr. LaBarge called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.

  1. Agenda Review

Mr. LaBarge reviewed the agenda and read the definition of interested persons and swore in the applicants, interested persons, and the board members.

Mr. Garrett disclosed that Mr. Montgomery is a relative whom was not in attendance but Mr. Cheney had no concerns with Mr. Garrett participating in the review of their applications.

  1. Meeting Topics:
  1. DRB-57-2023: Shawn Cheney & Philip Montgomery
  2. DRB-58-2023: Shawn Cheney & Philip Montgomery
  3. DRB-59-2023: Danny Barratt
  4. DRB-60-2023: Danny Barratt
  1. #DRB-57-2023: Shawn Cheney & Philip Montgomery request for amendment to conditional use permit for a change from seasonal to year-round operation to sell pre-built Amish sheds located at 325 North River Street in the NC/Neighborhood Commercial district.
  1. #DRB-58-2023: Shawn Cheney & Philip Montgomery request for conditional use approval for flood hazard review for year-round operation to sell pre-built Amish sheds located at 325 North River Street in the NC/Neighborhood Commercial district.

Mr. Cheney reviewed DRB-57-2023 & DRB-58-2023 applications together, Mr. Cheney is requesting to go from seasonal to year around selling pre-built Amish sheds. Mr. Cheney stated they are keeping 4 to 8 in stock at a time, they are selling as soon as they are coming in. Mr. Cheney stated they have a couple builders and they are selling well. Mr. Cheney stated he has not had any complaints and Ms. Giroux has stated she has not received any complaints either.

  1. #DRB-59-2023: Danny Barratt request for conditional use approval for a health clinic / office space located at 76 First Street in the NCL/Neighborhood Commercial Light district.

Mr. Barratt is requesting to use a lower-level room that is approximately 450 square feet as an individual office space for massage therapist, Physical therapist or someone seeking office space. The space will not be used for retail. Mr. LaBarge reviewed adequate parking spaces. Mr. Garrett asked for clarification of the days of operation. Sunday – Saturday.

  1. #DRB-60-2023: Danny Barratt request for conditional use approval to use an indoor swimming pool for therapy located at 76 First Street in the NCL/Neighborhood Commercial Light district.

Mr. Barratt is requesting use there swimming pool for private wellness use of swimming pool, this will not be open to the general public, used as 1:1 service.

Mr. LaBarge reviewed the reviewed the regulations for Health Clinic Number 14, page 219.

  1. Minutes DRB October 26, 2023

Mr. Beliveau made a motion to approve as corrected October 26, 2023 Draft Meeting Minutes, seconded by Mr. Pratt. Motion carried.

  1. Any Other Necessary Business

Ms. Giroux stated the Planning Commission is working on bylaw update and they would like to have two input meetings with the DRB to discuss there concerns with current bylaws.

  1. Public Comments


  1. Set Next DRB Meeting Date

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Thursday, October 24, 2024

  1. Deliberative Session

Mr. Beliveau Made a motion to enter deliberative session at 6:22 pm, seconded by Mr. Pratt.  Motion carried.

Mr. Pratt made a motion to exit deliberative session at 6:28 pm, seconded by Mr. Garrett. Motion carried.

  1. Mr. Pratt made a motion for DRB-57-2023: Shawn Cheney & Philip Montgomery request for amendment to conditional use permit for a change from seasonal to year-round operation to sell pre-built Amish sheds located at 325 North River Street in the NC/Neighborhood Commercial district be APPROVED as warned, seconded by Mr. Garrett. Motion carried.
  1. Mr. Beliveau made a motion for DRB-58-2023: Shawn Cheney & Philip Montgomery request for conditional use approval for flood hazard review for year-round operation to sell pre-built Amish sheds located at 325 North River Street in the NC/Neighborhood Commercial district be APPROVED as warned with the following conditions:
  • No more than 6 be displayed out front
  • Amish sheds must be tied down in accordance with previous conditional use

Seconded by Mr. Pratt. Motion carried.

  1. Mr. Garrett made a motion for DRB-59-2023: Danny Barratt request for conditional use approval for a health clinic / office space located at 76 First Street in the NCL/Neighborhood Commercial Light district be APPROVED as warned with time/day change from the application to include Sunday – Saturday 8am-8pm, seconded by Mr. Beliveau. Motion carried.
  1. Mr. LaBarge made amotion for DRB-60-2023: Danny Barratt request for conditional use approval to use an indoor swimming pool for therapy located at 76 First Street in the NCL/Neighborhood Commercial Light district be APPROVED as warned with time/day change from application to include Sunday-Saturday 8am-8pm it applies in bylaws as Health Clinic Number & Home Occupation # 14, page 219, seconded by Mr. Pratt. Motion carried.
  1. Adjournment

Mr. Pratt made a motion to adjourn at 6:30 pm, seconded by Mr. Beliveau. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted by

Christina Candels-Administrative Assistant

Printable version

2023 1116 Agenda 340 KB

Web version





One Academy Street

Swanton, VT 05488

Thursday, November 16, 2023 @ 6:00 p.m.

A. Call to Order

B. Agenda Review

C. Meeting Topics:

  1. #DRB-57-2023: Shawn Cheney & Philip Montgomery request for amendment to conditional use permit for a change from seasonal to year-round operation to sell pre-built Amish sheds located at 325 North River Street in the NC/Neighborhood Commercial district.
  1. #DRB-58-2023: Shawn Cheney & Philip Montgomery request for conditional use approval for flood hazard review for year-round operation to sell pre-built Amish sheds located at 325 North River Street in the NC/Neighborhood Commercial district.
  1. #DRB-59-2023: Danny Barratt request for conditional use approval for a health clinic / office space located at 76 First Street in the NCL/Neighborhood Commercial Light district.
  1. #DRB-60-2023: Danny Barratt request for conditional use approval to use an indoor swimming pool for therapy located at 76 First Street in the NCL/Neighborhood Commercial Light district.

D. Deliberative Session

E. Minutes DRB October 26, 2023

F. Any Other Necessary Business

G. Public Comment

H. Set Next DRB Meeting Date

I.   Adjournment

PLEASE NOTE: Attendance at and participation in a public hearing for these cases are required in order to appeal the DRB’s decision. All

applicants or Agents must attend to present their applications for review.