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Selectboard Meeting 4-16-24

  • Tuesday, April 16, 2024
    PM – 8 PM

Town Selectboard


2024 0416 SLB Draft Minutes -2 529 KB

Approved on: Tuesday, May 7, 2024

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2024 0416 SLB Draft Minutes -2 529 KB

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Draft Minutes



Town Office Building

1 Academy Street, Swanton, VT 05488

In-Person & By Zoom


April 16, 2024 @ 6:00 p.m.

Present: Joel Clark-Chair, Earl Fournier, Steve Bourgeois, Cody Hemenway, Nicole Draper-Members, Brian Savage-Town Administrator, Christina Candels-Administrative Assistant, Riley Day

Zoom: Lin

  1. Call to Order

Mr. Clark called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.

  1. Pledge of Allegiance

Mr. Clark led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.

  1. Agenda Review

Mr. Clark reviewed the agenda.

Ms. Candels shared email information with the board in regards of information from the State in regards to the bridge plans, this is a Swanton Village project but the information was addressed to the Selectboard.

            Mr. Bourgeois requested to add under New Town Business, discussion on audits.

  1. Meeting Topics

1.   Minutes

      a) Regular Selectboard Meeting of April 2, 2024

      b) Special Selectboard Meeting of April 5, 2024

Mr. Bourgeois made a motion to approve April 2, 2024, Regular Selectboard Meeting Minutes & April 5, 2024, Special Selectboard Meeting Minutes as written, seconded by Mr. Hemenway. Motion carried.

2. Public Comments

Mr. Riley Day said that he is unhappy he has been told his car will be towed from the Swanton Public Library. Mr. Day said he is the local homeless guy and he sleeps in his car.  

Mr. Savage stated he was contacted by members of the community with concern of the car being parked in the parking lot. The vehicle is not registered.

Mr. Clark said this is public comment, if he would like to be added to the agenda for the next meeting let them know.

Mr. Day said he took all his stuff out if the want to take his stuff they can, he will be sleeping in the park.

Mr. Day wanted to know if it is their job to go after the local homeless guy? Mr. Clark asked if he is asking for assistance? Mr. Day said no.

Mr. Clark said there is places/assistance for homeless. The local taxpayers have addressed their concerns, the car cannot stay in the parking lot.

Mr. Fournier said he wished there was something they could do to resolve this reasonably.

Mr. Draper said she has been working to assist also.

3. Law Enforcement

  1. Swanton Animal Control

Mr. Savage provide the board with Mr. Benson the AOC March report.

Mr. Fournier asked if one address listed was the same property they previously dealt with? Yes, that is the same incident not a second.

Mr. Hemenway, share he reached out to Mr. Benson in regards to an animal he was contacted about.

       4. Expenditures

                  a) General Orders

Mr. Hemenway made a motion to approve General Orders for 3/20/24 to 4/16/24 in the amount of $132,560.64, seconded by Mr. Bourgeois. Motin carried.

  1. Highway Orders

Mr. Bourgeois made a motion to approve Highway Orders for 3/20/24 to 4/16/24 in the amount of $49,610.03, seconded by Mr. Hemenway. Motion carried.

  1. ARPA Orders

Mr. Hemenway made a motion to approve ARPA Orders for 3/20/24 to 4/16/24 in the amount of $608.00, seconded by Mr. Bourgeois. Motion carried.

  1. Library Orders

Ms. Draper made a motion to approve Library Orders for 3/20/24 to 4/16/24 in the amount of $6,019.40, seconded by Mr. Fournier. Motion carried.

  1. Highway/General Payroll Orders-Including Selectboard Stipends

Mr. Hemenway made a motion to approve Highway/General Payroll Orders -Including Selectboard Stipends for 3/20/24 to 4/16/24 in the amount of $45,164.56, seconded by Mr. Bourgeois. Motion carried.

  1. Library Payroll Orders

Mr. Bourgeois made a motion to approve Library Payroll Orders for 3/20/24 to 4/16/24 in the amount of $8,869.27, seconded by Mr. Hemenway. Motion carried.

              4. Highway Dept.

                        a) Joel Clark – Highway Department report

            Mr. Clark shared vehicle update from the Town garage.

Mr. Clark shared the road crew is doing a lot of work on the sides of the road from the plows. The beavers are a problem on Swanton Hill again this year, there working with trappers to help the situation.

The road crew will start working there summer hours (4–10-hour shifts) May 10th.

The road crew will do the underground work at Swanton Public Library Wednesday.

Mr. Clark has asked them to mark Ash trees that should be take down in the right-of-way this year.

Personnel: Mike Bockus will return this May for summer help.

Mr. Fournier asked about where they are with an easement on Swanton Hill project. Yes, they have the contact info of the land owner, to get an easement. Mr. Fournier asked if the current plans show where the easement is needed? Mr. Clark & Mr. Savage will look at it. Mr. Clark asked if they will also need a permanent right-of-way?

Mr. Bourgeois asked if there will be possibility of swapping with other towns for plowing? Mr. Fournier said that’s a possibility if the road is fixed, that would be a huge cost savings to the Town if that could happen.

Mr. Fournier asked for an update on the land around the Town Garage? Mr. Savage said he has attempted to reach the realtor with no response. Mr. Fournier asked if they have a map of what they want? Yes. Mr. Clark said it shows everything they want to do including the school’s road. Mr. Clark shared a map showing what land they would like swapped to the Town garage. Mr. Savage will reach out to surveyor. This will need to go before the DRB.

Mr. Bourgeois suggested when it’s presented to the land owner there be an expiration date, Mr. Fournier volunteered to reach out to the land owner himself if provided the correct map. Mr. Clark asked if they should set aside money to pay for the surveying. Mr. Savage will get this together before the next Selectboard meeting.


               5. Old Town Business

                         a) Letter to Vermont AOT regarding Highgate Rd. & Woods Hill Rd.


Mr. Savage drafted a letter with crash data collected for this intersection. This letter was reviewed by the Selectboard. 

Mr. Fournier made motion to have Mr. Clark sign the drafted letter to send to AOT as written, seconded by Mr. Hemenway.

Mr. Fournier asked if there has been any response from the State in response to Sholan Rd? Mr. Savage said yes, they have responded and will do the work. Mr. Savage will forward this email to the Selectboard.


                         b) Great Eclipse summary  

Mr. Savage reported there was no serious issues in Swanton with the Great Eclipse. Mr. Savage has a meeting at the Village Complex Wednesday for everyone to review how everything went event. Mr. Savage said things went very well, good crowd. The only traffic issues were some traffic backing up after the Eclipse due to the intersection of North River, South River & the bridge. The traffic moved well with police direction. No issues at the interstate exits. The PD responded to one medical emergency by the park that was handled quickly. During the day there was two reported accidents. St. Albans estimates 14k out of town visitors, Mr. Savage estimates about 7k for Swanton.

               6. New Town Business      

                          a)  Renaming of Stanley Lane to Lydia’s Ridge

Mr. Savage shared that Mr. Richard Cummings is requesting to change the name of Stanley Lane to Lydias Ridge. Mr. Cummings would like to change before further developing. Mr. Cummings brother named the street and now that he is developing, he would like to change the street name. Ms. Candels has checked with St. Albans as it is St. Albans address and there are no conflicting street names. The Church will need to change their address.

Mr. Bourgeois made a motion to change the street named Stanley Lane to Lydias Ridge, seconded by Ms. Draper. Motion carried.

                          b)  Welcome to Swanton Signs

Mr. Clark shared a new quote he received for new “Welcome to Swanton” signs. The current four are in very rough shape.

Mr. Fournier asked if the Town purchased them will the Chamber of Commerce maintain them. The group discussed if they should go in the same locations, Mr. Clark recommended the one on route 78 move closer the village? Mr. Fournier suggested farther out in west Swanton. The Swanton/St. Albans town line is a good location for a sign as well so people know there in Swanton.

Mr. Clark said Swanton Beautification Committee has agreed to plant flowers around the new signs.

Mr. Bourgeois made a motion to spend up to $10,000 from ARPA funds to replace and install new Welcome to Swanton signs, seconded by Ms. Draper. Motion carried.

                          c) External Audits

Mr. Bourgeois said the usual practice of an audit is for the auditors to meet with the outside auditors go over the scope of the project and for them to report back to the governing body. (selectboard). Mr. Bourgeois said he has only been on the board through one audit, but does not remember having meeting with the outside auditors.

Mr. Bourgeois recommendation is to contact the auditors (A.M. Peisch) have them meet with the board and go over the audit and present the audit to the Selectboard. Mr. Savage says the 2022 audit is not yet complete. Mr. Bourgeois would like to see the engagement letter for the 2022 audit and have them present it to the Selectboard once complete.


               7.   Community and Economic Development

            Mr. Savage has an update for this in executive session.

            Mr. Fournier said he has not yet met with Mr. Beebe due to sugaring season.

Mr. Fournier said the letter they have under correspondence is really Economic Development. Mr. Savage received a letter from North West Regional Planning informing them that the Town of St. Albans has received a grant for their northern growth center. (adjacent to Swanton’s Southern Growth) St. Albans and regional planning wants to include Swanton with them. Gretta from North West Region Planning will come to the next Selectboard meeting and share more info about their plans for transit in this area. There is no local match to this grant. Mr. Fournier said it would be helpful to include water and sewer in this. This project is more towards transit.


               8.   Any Other Necessary Business

                             a)  Liquor Control Board

Mr. Fournier made a motion to exit the Regular Selectboard Meeting and enter Liquor Control Board at 7:07 pm, seconded by Mr. Hemenway. Motion carried.

Ms. Candels said Ms. Cathy Fournier the Town Clerk has two applications for renewal

Mama Bear Inc AKA Swanton House of Pizza-No Violations

First Class License Renewal

DG Retail LLC/Dollar General-No Violations

Second Class & Tabacco License Renewal

Mr. Hemenway made a motion to approve both license renewal requests, seconded by Ms. Draper. Motion carried.

Mr. Fournier made a motion to exit Liquor Control Board and enter back into Regular Selectboard Meeting at 7:08 pm, seconded by Ms. Draper. Motion carried.


               9.   Correspondence

            Already discussed in Economic Development.

               10. Public Comment (Reprise)

Mr. Clark shared there will be a Memorial Day parade on Monday May 27th at 2pm. Adam Paxman is the point of contact for people interested in putting a float in the parade.

Mr. Savage said the Veteran flags will be put up Saturday May 25 at 9am with a rain date of May 26th at 9am. Mr. Clark said they should have a good turn out for this as Mr. Sheets plans to have the girl’s softball team coming to help.


                11.   Upcoming Events

                              a) Wednesday, April 24, 2024 – Planning Commission – 6:30 pm – Town


                              b) Thursday, April 25, 2024 – DRB – 6:00 pm – Town Offices

c) Monday, April 29, 2024-School Budget Informational Meeting-7:00pm-   MVU Library & Zoom

                              d)  Tuesday, April 30, 2024 – MVSD Budget Revote – Polls open from

                                     7:00 am to 7:00 pm – Village Complex – 120 First Street

                              e) Monday, May 6, 2024 – Joint Planning and DRB meeting – 6:30 pm

                                     Town Offices

                              f) Tuesday, May 7, 2024 – Regular Selectboard Meeting – 6:00 pm –

                                      Town Offices and Zoom

g ) Memorial Day Weekend- Abenaki Pow Wow     will be held at Swanton Rec & Town wide community yard sale


                12.    Executive session (Real Estate)

Ms. Draper made a motion to enter executive session at 7:12 pm, seconded by Mr. Hemenway. Motion carried.  

Mr. Fournier made a motion to exit executive session at 7:42 pm, seconded by Mr. Hemenway. Motion carried.

                13.    Adjourn

Ms. Draper made a motion to adjourn at 7:44 pm, seconded by Mr. Hemenway. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted by

Christina Candels-Administrative Assistant


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2024 0416 SLB Meeting Agenda 530 KB

Web version




Town Office Building

1 Academy Street, Swanton, VT 05488

In-Person & By Zoom


April 16, 2024 @ 6:00 p.m.

Members of the public are welcome to attend this meeting in-person. There is ZOOM public access also for this meeting. Anyone desiring to participate & listen in on the meeting by cell or landline phone should dial 1-929-205-6099 and enter the Meeting ID# 353 203 4083 when prompted & announce your name (charges may apply). To join the ZOOM meeting online on a computer, click on this link: Also, please state your name prior to speaking so that other participants will know who is speaking. Note that this meeting is being recorded and that when you are unmuted every sound in the range of your microphone can be heard by other ZOOM participants. The Selectboard meeting agenda is also posted on the AGENDA page of the Swanton Town website. Please make a copy of it for reference during the meeting:

A. Call to Order

B. Pledge of Allegiance

C. Agenda Review

D. Meeting Topics

1.   Minutes

      a)  Regular Selectboard Meeting of April 2, 2024

      b)  Special Selectboard Meeting of April 5, 2024

2. Public Comments

3. Law Enforcement

  1. Swanton Animal Control

       4. Expenditures

                  a)  General Orders

                  b)  Highway Orders

                  c)  Library Orders

                  d)  Payroll Orders

                  e)  Library Payroll Orders

                  f)  ARPA Orders

              4. Highway Dept.

                        a) Joel Clark – Highway Department report


               5. Old Town Business

                         a) Letter to Vermont AOT regarding Highgate Rd. & Woods Hill Rd.


                         b) Great Eclipse summary  

               6. New Town Business      

                          a)  Renaming of Stanley Lane to Lydia’s Ridge

                          b)  Welcome to Swanton Signs


               7.   Community and Economic Development


                8.   Any Other Necessary Business

                             a)  Liquor Control Board – renewal of licenses


                 9.   Correspondence

                10. Public Comment (Reprise)


                11.   Upcoming Events

                              a) Wednesday, April 24, 2024 – Planning Commission – 6:30 pm – Town


                               b) Thursday, April 25, 2024 – DRB – 6:00 pm – Town Offices

                               c)  Tuesday, April 30, 2024 – MVSD Budget Revote – Polls open from

                                     7:00 am to 7:00 pm – Village Complex – 120 First Street

                               d)  Monday, May 6, 2024 – Joint Planning and DRB meeting – 6:30 pm

                                     Town Offices

                                e) Tuesday, May 7, 2024 – Regular Selectboard Meeting – 6:00 pm –

                                      Town Offices and Zoom


                12.    Executive session (Real Estate)

                13.    Adjourn



MOTION #1: I move that we find that we enter executive session for the Selectboard to receive confidential contract & personnel information for which the premature disclosure of it to the general public would clearly place the Selectboard & others at a substantial disadvantage. Roll Call Vote on Motion.

MOTION #2: I move that based on our just made findings that premature disclosure would place the Selectboard & others at a substantial disadvantage, we enter executive session. Roll Call Vote on Motion.