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Special Selectboard Meeting 4-5-24

  • Friday, April 5, 2024
    11 AM – 11:30 AM

Town Selectboard


2024 0405 Special SLB Draft Minutes 442 KB

Approved on: Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Printable version

2024 0405 Special SLB Draft Minutes 442 KB

Web version

Draft Minutes



Swanton Town Offices

1 Academy Street

Swanton, VT 05488

Friday, April 5, 2024

Present: Joel Clark-Chair, Steve Bourgeois, Cody Hemenway, Nicole Draper, Earl Fournier-Members, Matthew Sullivan-Swanton Police Chief

  1. Call to Order

Mr. Clark called the meeting to order at 11:05 am.

  1. Agenda Review

Mr. Clark reviewed the agenda.

Mr. Savage requested to add the Selectboard sign Highway Grant Application.

  1. Public Comment


  1. Old Town Business
  1.  Sign contract for Police Services from the Village of Swanton for 2024

Mr. Bourgeois made a motion to Approve and sign the Police contract effective 4/1/24 to 3/31/25, seconded by Mr. Hemenway. Motion carried.


  1. Any Other Necessary Business
  1. Municipal Highway Grant

Mr. Fournier made a motion for Mr. Savage to sign and submit the Municipal Highway Grant, seconded by Ms. Draper. Motion carried.

Mr. Fournier asked how much the grant was for? Mr. Clark said $60,000 and it should cover the amount needed for the work needed to pave beginning of Woods Hill Road.

  1. Public Comment

Mr. Bourgeois asked if there is land on Beebe Road in the land trust? Could there be future development to grow the towns industry in this area?

  1. Adjourn

Mr. Hemenway made a motion to adjourn at 11: 17 am, seconded by Mr. Fournier. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by

Christina Candels-Administrative Assistant

Printable version

2024 0405 Special SLB Meeting Agenda 566 KB

Web version




Swanton Town Offices

1 Academy Street

Swanton, VT 05488

Friday, April 5, 2024 – 11:00 am

A.       Call to Order

B.        Pledge of Allegiance

C.        Agenda Review

D.        Public Comment

E.         Old Town Business

                        1. Sign contract for Police Services from the Village of Swanton for 2024

F.         Any Other Necessary Business

G.        Public Comment

H.        Adjourn


MOTION #1: I move that we find that we enter executive session for the Selectboard to receive

confidential contract & personnel information for which the premature disclosure of it to the

general public would clearly place the Selectboard & others at a substantial disadvantage. Roll

Call Vote on Motion.

MOTION #2: I move that based on our just made findings that premature disclosure would

place the Selectboard & others at a substantial disadvantage, we enter executive session. Roll

Call Vote on Motion.