Trustees Meeting 2/27/18
February 27, 2018
7PM – 9 PM
Web version
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
7:00 PM
PRESENT: Neal Speer, Village President; Adam Paxman, Trustee; Eugene LaBombard, Trustee; Reginald Beliveau, Village Manager; Dianne Day, Village Clerk; Leonard “Joey” Stell, Chief of Police; Tim Girard, Fire Chief; Pete Prouty, Jason Butler, Alex Bourdeau, Daryl Domina, Ron Young, Jason Cross, Dan Chevalier, Firefighters; Sue Collins, Glen Gurwit, Suzanne Washburn, Marc Rocheleau, Sandy Kilburn, Ron Kilburn, Gordon Winters, Elisabeth Nance, Economic Development Coordinator; Tom Benton and Ch. 16.
Unless otherwise noted, all motions carried unanimously.
1. Call to Order:
Neal Speer, Village President, welcomed all to the Regular Board of Trustees meeting and called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
2. Moment of Silence:
Neal Speer led everyone in a moment of silence for all community members who have passed away this year and for past, present and future military personnel.
3. Pledge of Allegiance:
Neal Speer led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance.
4. Agenda Review:
Reg Beliveau, Village Manager, stated he needed an Executive Session to discuss personnel and Dianne Day, Village Clerk, stated she needed an Executive Session to discuss a customer’s account.
5 Approve and Accept Minutes from Monday, February 12, 2018.
Eugene LaBombard made the motion to approve and accept Minutes from Monday, February 12, 2018 as presented. Adam Paxman seconded. Discussion: None. Motion carried.
6. Approve and Accept Village Warrants through Friday, February 23, 2018:
Adam Paxman made the motion to approve and accept Village Warrants through Friday, February 23, 2018 as presented: Eugene LaBombard seconded. Discussion: Adam Paxman asked about the payment of $67,896.56 made to VEEU. Village Clerk Dianne Day stated that was the energy efficiency charge on each electric utility bill paid by the Village electric customers. Motion carried.
7. Informational Meeting & Public Hearing – 2018 Village Annual Warning:
Neal Speer read aloud the 2018 Annual Village Warning and Reg Beliveau, Village Manager, presented the following information to those present:
Reg showed the 2017 Tax Rate compared to the proposed 2018 Tax Rate. There is a difference of .0346. He then showed the difference in 2017 taxes compared to 2018 on a home assessed at $150,000, $175,000 and $200,000. The annual increase for fire, general, police and highway is $69.20.
He showed the financial statement review of the General Fund. That showed revenues were above budget by $9,681 due to the hall rental, miscellaneous revenue and change in investment values. He said expenses were under budget by $46,925 because of the delinquent tax collector, outside services and complex maintenance. Article 7 asks to place these amounts into the General Fund capital fund for future Municipal Complex upgrades.
The financial statement review for the Fire Department showed revenues were over budget by $32,322 due to miscellaneous billings and grant income. Expenses were over budget by $7,191 due to salaries and transportation expenses. Article 8 asks to place excess funds into the Fire capital fund to be used toward fire truck purchases.
The financial statement review of the Police Department showed revenues are over budget by $11,412 due to miscellaneous income and grant income. Expenses are under budget by $19,372 due to personnel benefits and transportation expenses. Article 9 asks to place excess funds into the Police capital fund to be used toward future equipment purchases.
The financial statement review of the Highway Department showed revenue was $109,515 over budget due to lease income and grant income. Expenses were $72,565 over budget due to the lease expense, transportation expenses and summer and winter street labor. Article 6 asks to place excess funds into the Highway capital fund to be used toward future equipment purchases and paving projects.
The financial statement review for the Electric Department showed revenues were over budget by $251,100 due to line extension jobs and VT Transco income. Expenses were under budget by $344,939 due to purchase power, distribution expenses and interest expense.
The financial statement review for the Water Department showed revenues were over budget by $21,843 due to water sales and grant income. Expenses were under budget by $12,563 because of Administrative expenses and interest expense under budget in distribution.
The financial statement review for the Sewer Department showed revenues were over budget by $21,528 due to sewer sales. Expenses were under budget by $49,066 because of plant maintenance and administrative expenses.
Reg went on to show the 2017 Year in Review Projects. That includes:
- Water Project – looking into the MVU Waterline replacement, which is on this years’ ballot.
- Paving Project – State Project completed in the Spring of 2017.
- Solar Project on line early 2018. Net metered solar array on Frontage Road 2 – 500kW.
- EV Car Charging Units in the Municipal Park and Ride seeing some use.
- Northern Gateway seeing some interest in properties in that area.
- Downtown Redevelopment Project.
- Paving Project 2017 – Completed our own small projects on South River St., Lake St. and small sections on Fourth St. and Jones Ct.
- Continue to do leaf pick up and Christmas tree pick up.
- Working on a grant to GPS all our waterlines, curb stops, hydrants.
- New Sidewalk Plow – Replaces the 20 year old plow.
- General repairs continue at the Hydro Plant, preparing for re-licensing in 2023.
- FERC inspection Part 12 Report Due. No issues found. The plant continues to operate and maintain its equipment and infrastructure in accordance to FERC guidelines.
- Deflation of the rubber bladder in June. Took delivery of the new bladder in December.
- Year in Review at the Waste Water Plant – Solar Aerators continue to operate well.
- TMDL standards will challenge us.
- We continue to perform routine maintenance.
- Water Treatment Plant: Performing well, continue to perform routine maintenance.
- Continue the Blue/Green Algae monitoring.
- Electric Department: Continue to keep up on tree trimming.
- Two 500kW projects have been completed in 2017 – FNWSU – MVU, Highgate, Swanton Central/Babcock, Swanton Village Offices, Water/Wastewater Plants, Highgate Arena will use some of the solar credits.
The Fire Department gave a review of Article 12 purchase of two Fire Trucks.
Voting on bond of $1,442,500 – Engine 3 Replacement $577,500 and Ladder 4 Replacement $865,000. Bond amortization: Engine 3 10 years and Ladder 4 12 years. Estimated bond payment would be $169,921 with an estimated tax rate increase of $.015. There would be an estimated increase of $30.01 on a $200,000 home. Mark Rocheleau asked the Fire Department why they are asking for both trucks at the same time. He said maybe they should have asked for one at a time. The Board thanked the Fire Department for their presentation.
Wayne Elliott, Aldrich & Elliott, gave a presentation on MVU Waterline Replacement Bond Vote.
What improvements are included in the MVU Waterline Replacement?
·Along VT Route 78, installation of 900 feet of new 12” waterline and appurtenances beginning at the intersection of Waugh Farm Road and running east to the MVU school entrance.
·A new 8” waterline will extend north into the MVU site approximately 900 feet and reconnect to the existing waterline.
·From Lafar Street, a new water service will be constructed to the Champlain Farms property.
·The existing asbestos cement waterline will be abandoned.
Why is the MVU Waterline Replacement required?
·This waterline is critical to the distribution system, serving the MVU High School and providing fire protection.
·The asbestos cement waterline runs cross country making it difficult to locate and perform maintenance.
·Leaks have occurred in this waterline segment so replacement will provide reliable long-term reliability.
·This new waterline will provide municipal service and fire protection to the existing properties along VT Route 78.
What is the project cost and bond amount? Estimated Costs | |
Item Description | Estimated Cost |
Construction | $320,000 |
Construction Contingency (10%) | $32,000 |
Engineering | $72,000 |
Other Costs | $9,000 |
Total Project Cost | $435,000 |
Total Bond Amount | $435,000 |
The Total Project Cost includes; construction costs, 10% construction contingency, engineering, and other costs.
The recommended bond amount is $435,000.
What are the available funding sources?
Funding through the State of Vermont Drinking Water SRF Program is anticipated for a 20-year term at a rate of 3%. The loan is eligible for up to $25,000 in loan forgiveness through the DWSRF Program.
MVU school will contribute $193,000 to the total project cost.
The estimated loan amount will be approximately $217,000. Based on this information the annual loan payment to the State of Vermont, is approximately $14,600.
What is the projected impact on the current Water Rates?
A typical Village residential water customer pays a base rate of $23.16 per month. The typical residential customer is anticipated to see their base rate increase by $0.57 per month ($6.89 per year). The debt retirement for the proposed improvements will be paid by the water system customers only.
Glen Gurwit asked about the traffic flow during the construction phase. He said they should do it when school is out.
8. American Cancer Society Bark for Life of Franklin County is requesting a Coin Drop to be held on Saturday, August 4, 2018 with a rain date of Saturday, August 18, 2018:
Request tabled until next meeting.
9. Any Other Necessary Business:
10. Public Comment:
11. Executive Session to Discuss Customers Account and Personnel:
Adam Paxman made the motion to enter into Executive Session to Discuss Customers Account and Personnel at 8:50 p.m. Eugene LaBombard seconded. Motion carried.
Adam Paxman made the motion to exit Executive Session at 9:40 p.m. Eugene LaBombard seconded. Motion carried.
12. Adjournment:
Adam Paxman made the motion to adjourn the Regular Board of the Trustees meeting at 9:40 p.m. Eugene LaBombard seconded. There being no further business at hand, Neal Speer, Village President, adjourned the meeting at 9:40 p.m. Motion carried.
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Neal Speer, Village President Date
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Dianne Day, Village Clerk Date